Sunday, January 13, 2008

January 13, 2008 - Blessings

We have seen so many blessings from the Lord with my famliy's trip so far. I thought I would share some of them with you. First off, though, I want to thank everyone in the States that gave money for Mom and Dad and Carlena to come here, and those who gave money for us and those who sent presents for us. We were amazed at all of the generous people that care so much about us. The fact that my family was able to fit everything in their luggage and get it all here past customs is a HUGE blessing. God really worked all of that out. When they got to customs, the officer started to go through their luggage. One of the first things he pulled out was my Dad's book, Experiencing God. The officer thought that my Dad was with the Gideon's, Dad said they weren't, but the officer said they were, so he stopped looking and let them through. That is fantastic!!!!!!! Plus, we needed to change some stuff around with our flights and Mom and Dad and Carlena's hotel room for on the way back and all of that got worked out perfectly.
Dad had an awful cold, that cleared up for the trip back here. You could pray for Mom. She had a weird allergic reaction to something in Bali and was all stuffy with itchy red dots all over. They are getting better, but are still there.
Otherwise, there are no complaints from anyone. We are on cloud 9 with the family here. This morning we had a little church service just with the famliy and the kids sang, played the piano, and we all talked about our favorite verses and things we are thankful for. It was very special. Tonight the kids all play socceer and get to show off their moves to Grammo.
God is so good to give me such a great family. We are enjoying every minute.
Lov eyou

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