My heart is heavy as i write this. My wonderful son who I love and cherish will be gone in less than 46 hours. Life is going on, Garth and I are subbing classes, picking kids up from the airport, taking sick kids to the clinic, shopping, making meals etc. all the while this sense of sadness is looming in the pit of our stomach. My head knows this is a great opportunity, and that God has flung the doors wide open for this adventure, and that I will hopefully get to see him at Christmas... but its hard. It is really hard. Cale was crying at breakfast, Emma and Sophie are quiet, Wyatt is giving extra hugs and telling me lots of thank-yous, but none of us are truly prepared for what this will do to our family. So pray for us. please. Wyatt leaves on Saturday. The kids still have another week and a half of school and finals. We need God's comfort and peace. He is so faithful. I know He will be there.

Pray for Wyatt as he is traveling by himself. It is a bit tricky in Jakarta. He has to get his bags and go out from one terminal to another and recheck in. And in Chicago airport going through Customs/Immigration can be confusing by yourself.
In Chicago he will have about 8 weeks of travel with the Chicago Eagles ministering to kids in the inner city and in Brazil. He is excited about that. This is what he is gifted for. He has such a heart and love for kids. I know this is where God wants him. It is selfish of me to want to keep him for myself. I need to share him with the world. Pray for God to get glory in this ministry and for hearts to be saved. Please also pray for all the extra things Wyatt will have to do: get a drivers license, debit card, supplies for school, get a broken tooth repaired...
After the Eagles he will travel to Oregon to start school at Corban University. Please pray for that transition. It is another culture, different food, and language/social interactions and environment. So many new things at once.
God has the power to do what He has promised, and HE has promised that He will go with us. And that He will never leave us or forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:16."There are so many comforting verses- "So do not fear, for I am with you, Do not be dismayed. for I am your God." Isaiah 41:10 "...Though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with His hand." Psalm37:24
I just need my head to gently start reminding my heart that it is all good. It is all going to be ok. Soon after Wyatt leaves, June 5th, he will have his 19th birthday. If you feel like loving on him, you can shower him with cards. You can send them to my Mom:
Wyatt Erickson
c/o Carol Vyskocil
233 Oak Hill Road
Williams Bay, Wi. 53191
Once he is established at Corban I will give you that address. That time in his life is when he will really need to feel loved and remembered.
Thanks you guys. Thanks for caring and always showing love.
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