My time on OE always gives me plenty of moments to reflect. One theme that runs through my head most days is how grateful I am. How absolutely, and completely grateful I am for all that I have. God is so very good. I can't believe how good He is to me. I have so much that I don't deserve. The people that we serve in the villages have a totally different life than me. What would my life look like if I was born there? Would I be as happy as them? So many of the villagers have lived in darkness, they have seen the power of the devil, they have lost loved ones, they have felt like there was no hope. And then, they hear about Jesus. They hear that He gave His life for them. That He loves them. That He has a plan and purpose for their lives. No wonder they walk around singing and dancing. They now have Hope. And that Hope can be seen pouring out of their faces. That is why I love being around them. It's contagious.

And those that are still walking around in darkness need to see us caring and loving on them. Some days that means pulling out rotten teeth, or giving a shot. Other days it might be painting a church or building a road. Actions done in love speak louder than words.
I am thrilled that God is using me here. Even back home at the Hostel I have opportunities before me. Whether it is talking to my house helpers or ministering to the families at the bottom of our hill, there are people that need to see this Hope. I am praying that I don't miss out on a chance.
Wyatt has developed a great relationship with some of the Indonesian families that live by us. I have had the kids up several times to make cookies with me, or play, or read books. There is a lot of darkness with them, and I am praying that when they are here they see something different.
For my birthday they made me a banana cake and bought me a shirt. The little they have they shared with me. I was greatly moved. Keep praying for their salvation.
The dorm is in full swing. We are getting ready for our bball tournament, a band concert, Coffee House performance, Emma's band has two concerts coming up, ACT testing, and Terra Nova testing. But it is all good.I love these kids and I love this ministry. I know God has great things planned for the next weeks ahead. Thank you for remembering to pray for us.
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