Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The other day we were all outside as a family.  I was cutting the grass; others were picking up sticks or helping Garth rake leaves.  It was so fun!  I love it when we are working on a project together.  The leaves were burning and creating much smoke.  So much so that at each pass with the mower, I had to walk through the tunnel of smoke.  During that time I could not see what I was cutting.  I knew that I just needed to keep going forward and keep the mower straight.  If I did that I would be cutting the grass that needed to be cut.  Once out of the smoke I could look down and see if I had stayed on course.
I think that is how it is sometimes with God’s will.  He tells us to go a certain way, or to keep going down a path.  We may not be able to clearly see why He has us there but we need to keep moving forward, keep trusting that it is right.  Then, one day, the smoke has cleared and we can see clearly just why He had us there. 
Trust is much easier when we can see it all before us.  But God wants us to learn to trust Him in the midst of the smoke.  Even when it goes on and on and on.  One day it will be clear.
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