Saturday, September 15, 2012

I want you to hear what we have been up to these last few weeks.  Garth, and I and all the kids have been at Cedarville University helping put on a re-entry program for 31 MK's (missionary kids).  There were five kids there that we had with us in Papua!  It was fantastic to connect with them again.  There were so many helpful topics covered-dating, setting boundaries, the differences between their home culture and America, how to develop a worldview, grief and loss, bank accounts, how to write a check...and then we threw in some times of fun, like mini-golf, the beach, a scavenger hunt, baseball game etc. Many kids had never done mini-golf, or been to a baseball game.  The whole time was SO much fun!  It was quite beneficial for our kids as well.  They really enjoyed being around kids that understood what they are going through.
Thanks for praying.

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