So, I have been thinking about trash today. I love Mondays because that is when our trash gets picked up. I love that I can put it out at night and in the morning it is gone. In Indo there was trash everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. Going to the market we would pass by a huge, enormously smelly pile of accumulated hot, steamy trash. We would hold our breath until we had passed it. The Indonesians didn’t think of it things any other way. Our family would cringe when we would see them throwing loads of trash out the car window as they drove along.
Well, wouldn’t it be nice if we could load up all of the dirty, filthy, wrong things that we have done for the week and have a truck come and take them away for good? Yet, some of those things can be recycled. I was told once that God never wastes anything-He uses all the scraps. My mess-ups can be recycled into something good if it is in the Right hands. God takes those things, forgives me, removes them as ‘far as the East is from the West’, and then proceeds to use them to shape me. And the thing I really love is that He doesn’t look at me and see the trash, He looks at me, and sees Jesus. And oh, how He loves me. Banana peels and all.
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