Monday, October 10, 2011


A quote today from 5 year old Cale-“Mom, I like dressing like a man but I don’t want to smell like one.”


He is my constant source of humor.  I am so thankful that I can get him early from Kindergarten every day and have that extra time to hang out.

I had two reminders this week that I need to work with Emma on Spelling.  First one:  We were playing Wiz Kidz and Emma had something that you’d find in the garage that starts with a Y.  She said unicycle.  Later she had something from a circus that starts with an E.  She said unicycle.

Earlier, she was sitting with Sophie and Cale.  Cale was being all cute and funny.  Emma spells to Soph, “When C-A-L-E is older the G-I-R-L-S are really going to L-I-C-K him.”  Sophie’s like “What????  I don’t think that is what you meant to spell.”

Well, they are transitioning pretty well in school.  They have been inviting kids to Awana, Youth Group and Sunday School.  They pray for their friends and teachers all the time.  Our family goal is to see a big difference in their classes, their friends, and their school by the end of this school year.  One of the teachers has started coming to church.  Another teacher called us about coming to the classroom and talking about our time in Indonesia.  So, we are excited.  Keep praying.

I will leave you with one last quote from Cale.  The other day we were out and I said to him, “Buddy, I  want you to surprise us today with how good you can be.”  He said, “Mom, I can’t do that.”  I said, “Why not?”  He said, “Because I am saving my best attitude for Christmas so maybe Santa will bring me a present.”

Love you



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