Monday, October 31, 2011

The Girls

Today was a rough day for some in our family.  Garth left at 1 to drive to Wausau for a visitation service. He will be home late tonight. The girls came home from school, each with their own “sadness”.  From reading Culture Shock books and talking to people that have gone through what we are going through I recognize it as part of their adjustment period.  It comes in waves of ups and downs.  The raw emotions of transition don’t hit you all at once.  It comes upon you at different times.  I thought it was interesting that they both picked today.  I was with each of them separately, one took the bus, one rode with me.  They didn’t influence each other’s mood. However, they were both really missing Indo and their friends today.  I know they don’t try to but they compare this world we are coming to know with the world full of all the familiar, and they miss it.

Pray for me to have wisdom in knowing how to help them.


Love you


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Miracle!

This is our miracle!!  Last week we couldn’t fit all the kids that wanted to go to church and this week we can.  Last week we couldn’t drive anywhere all together as a family and now we can!!

Some friends of ours bought us a van!!!  Can you believe it?  Our friend Robb bid on it at the Inspiration Ministries auction and got this 1999 Plymouth Voyager for us.  What a blessing!  We are thrilled!  God is so good, isn’t He?  We can’t even believe it sometimes how He cares for us in such a sweet, tender way.


On a completely different note, check out the size of the grape we got this week!  The big kids went online to see if it could go in the Guinness World record book.  Cale just wanted to eat it.  Sophie wanted to bring it to school and show it off.  It’s huge isn’t it?


Well, I couldn’t wait to share with you about the van.  We are so excited about it!

Thanks for praying.


The Presentation

We had a great time today doing a presentation for both sixth grades at the Bay school.  We had an hour and a half and taught the kids how to count, looked at what the culture was like, and the money along with many of the fun things we were able to do and the cool wildlife we were able to see.

When we got home one of the teachers called and asked if we could come back sometime and speak about the food and the different games the kids learned while they were there.  Sophie came home from school saying that her teacher wants us to do the same presentation for the fourth graders.

What great opportunities to talk about missionaries and open the kid’s eyes to a world beyond what they know.

We will also be doing a program for the first through fourth graders at church this weekend.  It will be exciting to see how God uses what we are sharing to impact the lives of those hearing it.

Tonight for Awana and Youth Group we had some kids in our driveway asking if they could go with us.  However, we only have a vehicle that fits 5 right now.  Emma and I stayed home because she was sick, so one of the girls was able to go, but the other two couldn’t fit, and their Mom couldn’t take them.  Keep praying that we find a vehicle that will fit all six of us or more so we can pile the neighbor kids in on Wednesdays.  We don’t have money to spend on it, so we are praying for a miracle.  God is good at miracles isn’t He?

Pray for Wyatt as well.  He is really missing Indo.  I found these two signs that he made the other day.


Love you



Weekend News


We had the Homecoming parade for the Bay today.  Wyatt is in Band so he marched holding the Band sign.



I was such a proud Momma today.  Wyatt is on a club team for soccer and they had a game today.  I don’t know exactly what happened, but one of the players on the other team went down and didn’t get up right away.  While the players all stood around looking at him, Wyatt went up and offered the kid his hand and helped him up.  I told him later that I saw Jesus today in him when he did that.

I have a new theme verse for myself.  It is in John chapter 4 verse 39.  This Bible section is talking about the woman at the well that has had five husbands.  Jesus starts talking to her about her life, she gets all excited and runs to tell the town about this man she met.  The townspeople come to see Jesus and the verse says, “Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in Him because of the woman’s testimony…”  I want that to be me.  I want people to see Jesus, I want people to believe, I want lives to be changed because I am reflecting Christ.


The Missions conference is over.  Garth and I had quite a bit to do for that, along with two soccer games of Wyatt’s.  We had a great time sharing with the kids about Indonesia, and talking to everyone that stopped by our booth. 

I had a lady stop me the other day and say that her daughter was in our presentation at the Bay school.  She said her daughter came home and spoke for 45 minutes about what we had shared!  Cool Beans!

Here is a picture of us freezing at one of Wyatt’s games.  Cale was warm because he was rolling down the hill.  (That’s what I should have done.)  Haha.


Love you


Monday, October 10, 2011


A quote today from 5 year old Cale-“Mom, I like dressing like a man but I don’t want to smell like one.”


He is my constant source of humor.  I am so thankful that I can get him early from Kindergarten every day and have that extra time to hang out.

I had two reminders this week that I need to work with Emma on Spelling.  First one:  We were playing Wiz Kidz and Emma had something that you’d find in the garage that starts with a Y.  She said unicycle.  Later she had something from a circus that starts with an E.  She said unicycle.

Earlier, she was sitting with Sophie and Cale.  Cale was being all cute and funny.  Emma spells to Soph, “When C-A-L-E is older the G-I-R-L-S are really going to L-I-C-K him.”  Sophie’s like “What????  I don’t think that is what you meant to spell.”

Well, they are transitioning pretty well in school.  They have been inviting kids to Awana, Youth Group and Sunday School.  They pray for their friends and teachers all the time.  Our family goal is to see a big difference in their classes, their friends, and their school by the end of this school year.  One of the teachers has started coming to church.  Another teacher called us about coming to the classroom and talking about our time in Indonesia.  So, we are excited.  Keep praying.

I will leave you with one last quote from Cale.  The other day we were out and I said to him, “Buddy, I  want you to surprise us today with how good you can be.”  He said, “Mom, I can’t do that.”  I said, “Why not?”  He said, “Because I am saving my best attitude for Christmas so maybe Santa will bring me a present.”

Love you




Hey, did you worship today?  Morning?  Noon?  Night?  I am not talking about going to a church and kneeling down to pray before God.  That is not the only way we worship.  I have been reading about that this week.  Here are some of the things I have learned so far:  We all worship something.  Every day.  Worship is our response to what we value most.    Whatever is worth most to you, that is what you worship.  It declares what we value most.  So it affects our actions, and all we do. 

How do you know what you worship?  Take note of how you spend your time, your energy, your money…what does it lead to?  That is what you and I worship.  Worship is not just a Sunday thing.  It is an all-the-time thing.  We all worship something all the time and we are really good at it.  Every culture, every age has its

gods.  Why?  Why do we crave worship?  Well, we were designed that way.  We were made for God.  There is a yearning deep in our soul that longs for our Maker.  “Stamped in God’s image, we know that there’s something we attach to, something we fit with, someone we belong to, somewhere to call home.”  We were created by God and for God.  We are precious to Him.

There is a bunch more nuggets of wonderfulness that I want to share with you-but I will save it for next time.

Love you



Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I was thinking the other day about when Emma was a little girl.  Whenever we would point to something we wanted her to see she would ALWAYS look at our finger, instead of beyond to what we were pointing at.  Every time.  Then she would get so upset if the item was passed and she missed it.  No matter what we tried she would still look at our finger.  I know that I do that with God.  I am so caught up in what is right in front of me that I miss what God has beyond this moment.  I focus on my troubles, or problems, and don’t look past them to see that God has a great plan and it involves more than just me and my woes.

Well, how funny that life here has been reminding me a lot of Indonesia.  The internet has been going on and off.  We didn’t have a phone for awhile (now we do, with a new number), and then the power went off for about 2 hours on Sunday.  If there is ever real doubt as to where I am, all I have to do is go outside and I am quickly reminded that we are NOT in Indonesia.  Haha.

Today is a very special day.  It is my Mommy’s birthday.  She is such an amazing, wonderful woman and I am so very lucky to have her.  Sophie wanted to know who was older, Grammo or Daddy.  Haha.  If you ask Grammo her age she will say that she is “plenty nine”. Cale was trying to count to see where “plenty nine” was and couldn’t find it.  Happy Day to you Mom.  Hope it is great!!



The Birthday Girl!!!!!


Our Friend Paul

We have been talking a lot about Indonesia lately in our home, and feeling very far away.  Our friend Paul died this week in a plane crash in Papua.  He was such a remarkable man and his joy rubbed off on everyone around him.  One of his common sayings was:  “If you are breathing, you should be laughing.”  And I can tell you honestly that he was always laughing.  He was an incredible pilot, father, husband, and loved serving the Lord.  He died doing the things he loved the most.  Flying people in and out of villages for the glory of God.

When Garth was sharing this in our Sunday School class, a man yelled out “No!”  Garth found out that this man, Mike, knew Paul.  Paul took him out to breakfast when he was a teenager and impacted his life in such a dynamic way that he was forever changed, and dedicated his life to becoming a pilot.  We have been reading account after account of people whose lives were changed because of Paul.

Our kids are having a hard time processing their grief when we are so far away.  Emma said, “It doesn’t seem fair that we are here instead of there.”  Perry came over and prayed with us and allowed the kids to talk through how they are feeling.  That was such a big help.

We don’t know the reason for Paul’s death, but we do know that God is in control.  We see one piece of the puzzle and God sees the completed picture.  Paul’s funeral was a testimony of all he believed, of all he lived his life for.  The turnout was unbelievable.  There were so many Indonesians there, and they clearly heard the Gospel.  Even the mother of one of the other men that died in the same plane crash as Paul was there.  (Her picture is below).  Life is hard.  But life without God is harder.  He is the Hope that we can cling to when we don’t understand.

Psalm 39:7
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. 

Psalm 42:5
Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God!

Psalm 65:5
You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas.  (Or fly airplanes in far away lands!)



Love you



Moving Day

Moving Day!!!  Moving Day!!! 

As most of you know, my parents stayed in our home while we were in Indonesia and rented out their home.  They had originally agreed to do it for one year and then it turned into four.  Their generosity has allowed us to keep this home that we love so much.  We were only in it for two years before we left so they have lived here longer than we have.  All of our stuff has been packed up in boxes in the basement this whole time.  So, Saturday my parents moved most of their things over to their home and we started moving our boxes upstairs.  Yesterday and today have been like Christmas for us.  There are so many things in those boxes that we didn’t even remember (like Lincoln Logs).  We are having so much fun!  I used to lay in bed in Indo and dream of this day.  This is the first time we have a home to ourselves in four years.  It will feel so quiet, and strange.

We will be able to go to breakfast in our jammies!!  We will only have six around the table.  We will be on our own schedule.  The kids are excited and bummed at the same time.  It was wonderful to have the dorm kids around, and we LOVED having my parents and their dog.  So it will feel very different.  I know I keep saying this, but our life here is completely opposite of our life there. 

I was thinking about that today at the grocery store.  I keep wanting to separate our food items from our household items on the conveyor belt.  In Indo we had to turn in receipts for those things separate.  It feels wrong to put that stuff up together.  But, I am definitely adjusting better.  I went to Wal-Mart for the first time by myself today and I didn’t feel overwhelmed.  Yeah!  Progress!

Here are some pics:


Love you


Our Support

Hey guys!  I wanted to let you know of the details involved with our transfer over to Barnabas.  We got the official “You’re done!  Great job!” from MAF.  And the official “Welcome aboard!  Glad to have you!” from Barnabas.  This is all good.  MAF said that they would love to have us back if it ever worked out that way.  It is a fantastic organization and we were so pleased to be a part of it.

Now, as far as support…Garth and I sent out a newsletter today that should come to most of you.  If you do not receive our regular letters and would like to, please let me know.  We would be happy to include you.  Our support can now be sent right to Barnabas at:

Barnabas International

P.O. Box 11211

Rockford, IL. 61126

Please mark all donations with the name Erickson

MAF will continue to forward stuff our way until October.  But it would be easier for all if all support could be sent to Barnabas from now on. 

I wish I could reach out and hug or shake hands with each of you to let you know how special you are to us.  Our ministry is what it is because you are letting God use you.  From the bottom of our hearts we want to say “Thank you!”.

The exact numbers of what will be needed for support are not all figured yet.  We will be meeting with Perry on a regular basis to iron out the details and will let you know.  The amount will be greater than what it cost to live in Indonesia for sure.

If you have questions about our new ministry please let us know.  In a few weeks we will be doing a presentation at the Williams Bay Elementary school sixth grade about our time in Indo.  We will also be doing something for the Cornerstone ABF, and for the Calvary Missions Conference.

Thanks again for helping make this possible!




Sad News

Such sad news came our way today.  A friend of ours that was a pilot in Indonesia died this morning in a plane crash.  He was a wonderful man, full of laughter.  Such a fantastic example to everyone around him.  He flew into many of the remote villages around Papua and touched more lives than we could ever know.  Our kids have been reminiscing about all the happy memories we have of him and his family.  He left behind his wife, son and daughter.  Please pray for the family and for the whole community of Papua, and please pray for the families of the two Papuans that also died in that plane crash.





On Friday Mom and I were a part of a Chili Cook-Off at the Bay High School.  The whole day leading up to that moment was crazy busy so we were in quite a rush.  I went to pick the girls up from school only to find out that Wyatt had missed the bus.  I went to his school to find him and couldn’t, so that was a time eater.  Finally home and rushing about to get everything we need for the cook-off when Sophie says she is hungry.  I said she needed to make a snack.  She picks Easy Mac.  You put water in the container and then put in the micro for 3 minutes.  Well, she forgot the water.  So the container and noodles were black, smoke is just pouring out of the micro.  We stop everything to frantically open all the windows and try to fan the smoke away from all the smoke alarms…Oh, did it smell!!  Hours later when we came home it still smelled!  It was horrible.  The microwave, four days later still contains that foul stench.  We had left the charred remains on the counter because it looked so cool and Sophie wanted to take it to school for Show-N-Tell.  Once we finally threw it away, the smell began to lessen and finally go away.

The whole ordeal reminded me of how we talk to God about some temptation or sin we may be dealing with, and talk about how we want to change.  Yet we keep the things around us that are tempting us, or we keep allowing ourselves to be in a place that will just encourage the temptation.  Don’t do that!  Get rid of it!  Stay far from it!  Adam and Eve were hanging out right around the one tree they were not supposed to eat from.  They should have been as far from that as possible.

In Timothy it says,”…run from all these evil things, and follow what is right and good.”  It is hard to run from them if we are holding on to them, right?  So, get rid of them.


Good News Today

Sunday was Wyatt’s first soccer game.  What a blast sitting there as a family cheering him on.  It was Mom and Dad, Garth’s Mom, and the five of us (and let me tell you – we sure can make noise!).  The team has the opportunity for great growth throughout the season and we can’t wait to watch them progress.


Monday we received a phone call telling us that we had been accepted to Barnabas!!  That is fantastic news.  So I guess you could say that we are official Barnabites or Barnabarians.  In the next few days we will work out the details of exactly what that means.  I will let you know as soon as I know.

Thanks for praying.

Love you
