We caught a shrew in our rat trap!!!! It always makes me happy knowing that it is no longer running around in the kitchen at night. He was quickly fed to a friend’s snake so now he is no more.
This weekend is going to be crazy! Friday Emma is doing some skits for school and then there is a roller skating party after. Saturday is Junior/Senior Banquet and since I have Juniors and Seniors in the Hostel I am helping with the food for that. One of the girls wants me to do her makeup and two asked me to help with their hair. They leave for that at 4:30 and then we are having a family over for dinner. Sunday is church and then at 12:30 we have a farewell luncheon at MAF for everyone to say Good-Bye to us. After that is the 8th Grade Celebration put together by the 7th graders and because Wyatt is a 7th Grader Garth and I are helping with that. We are doing a meal and a program honoring the kids moving up to High School. And then I think I will take a 3 day nap. How does that sound? And then pack, and pack some more, and then weigh it all, take stuff out and reweigh it and pack some more…hahahahaha! Anyone want to come over here and help me??? Come on…
I am glad life is not boring! Emma said to me today, “I don’t know what to do.” And I thought about how nice that would be. Do you have moments like that? Nothing to do, just sit and relax. It is good for you. I usually make sure I do, just now, at the final stretch it isn’t working into my schedule.
Look at some pictures of our flight out of Silimo. I want you to see how beautiful it is and to think about how so much of that land has never had a human set foot on it. The fifth picture is flying into Wamena. The last picture is Cale happy that we landed. (He had a bit a motion sickness on the flight).
Now, look again at the picture of us flying into Wamena. Do you see the houses and buildings? Do you see any people? How much do you know about the people that live in those houses? And how much love do you have for them? Not much. Same with me. But isn’t it so precious to think that when God looks at the World He sees and knows and loves every single one of us. He loves us so dearly that He had His Son die to save us! We are way more than a speck, or a dot on the ground that means nothing. We are an amazing living being that He created and He has an awesome plan for us. Don’t ever forget that you matter!
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