Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday and Friday

I had such a unique Thursday.  The day was full of running around and getting last minute things taken care of for our high schoolers that would be leaving for OE on Friday.  Then after school I joined Emma’s 5th grade class for a Star Gazing overnighter.  We started out playing dodge ball, then kickball, followed by showers, board games and then dinner.  After dinner we had a bonfire with S’Mores, star searching, a movie with more food, then outside to play Hunter, more showers and then bed (kind of)-we didn’t really sleep much.  Then up at 7 for breakfast, a devotional, and good-byes.  The kids had such a blast, and I had some good lessons in patience.  One such lesson came when I was cleaning up dinner and wiping off tables.  A boy came over franticly asking me, “Where’s my tooth?”  to which I replied, “I don’t know.  Where did you leave it?”  And he says, “Right here on the table.”  So we then proceeded to sift through the trash until we found it.  Gross!


The next day the dorm kids were all loaded up at 9 o’clock at night to drive an hour to Jayapura where they would catch a midnight boat for a trip of at least 30 hours to Nabire.  It was quite the craziness getting all 70some people where they needed to be with all of their luggage.  Since they are riding third class, the kids will have one large room to be in for the trip to sleep in and hang out.  Our kids were sad to say good-bye to them.  This is the first time that we have only high school age kids in the hostel.  That means that all of our kids are going on OE, and the Hostel will be empty except for us.  I am thankful for this little break.  I love the dorm kids, but I am ready for some family time.

Please keep all of the kids and leaders in your prayers.  This is an amazing adventure, a trip of a lifetime.  Pray for safety, and good health. 



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