Friday, November 19, 2010

Great News!

Praise the Lord I am feeling better!  This is the best I have felt in a month.  You all have been surrounding me in prayer and well wishing emails and now the symptoms of dengue are finally fading away.  I can still feel the effects of it but nothing like the last four weeks.  I am so very thankful.  To those of you who emailed me, THANKS.  I don’t get a lot of emails (besides the ones from family) and they always encourage me.  To those of you who prayed for me, THANKS.  I need that. Keep it up.  Dengue has been called the “Demon from Hell” because it grabs onto your blood and won’t let go.  it has the potential to last for a very long time.  But I am determined to beat the odds.

Hopefully soon, life can go back to normal.  There will be a Thanksgiving Celebration here tomorrow, Thursday is Cale’s 5th birthday, and then Friday the dorm kids will all leave for a week.  God  knew it would be a great time for me to have a break.  It will be just what I need.  Some relaxing family time.

You don’t know how encouraged my heart is .  I had so many sweet moments with God during my bed rest.  I have been keeping track of all the things that God taught me during the time and I will try to condense it into an email or two for you.

One of the things that I made into a sign to hang above our doorway is this saying: You can chase happiness or you can choose happiness.

Which are you doing?

Love you



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