Sunday, October 10, 2010

Don’t Stifle

This weekend Garth and I, along with another couple, were asked to run a Youth Program Saturday and Sunday for Grades 7-12.  The largest mission organization here is called Wycliffe and they were having their annual conference.  It was such a treat to have Wyatt old enough to be in our meetings.  WOW!  That is amazing.  When Garth started school at Moody to become a Youth Pastor I was pregnant with Wyatt.  We joked about how one day that little one would be in our youth program.  Well, it happened…and it was nice to look out and see his face.  The theme of the weekend was perseverance.  And it was a wonderful time of team building activities, swimming, snacks and lots of worship mixed with great messages. We did a little bit of everything – from having them create a team mascot out of newspapers and duct tape, to having the whole team get through a web of string without touching anything.  There was lots of laughing.  But I must say that I am wiped out.  It takes a lot of energy.


On a much different note, we lost another one of our cats to the “Battle of the Road-Cat vs. Car”.  This time it was Tux, the kitty that the kids really loved…I tell you.  We have such bad luck with cats here.  So once again the kids are grieving.  Except for Wyatt-he thinks he is too old to be sad about a cat.  He is at the age where you kind of stifle your emotions, because it is “not cool.”  I am sure glad we don’t have to do that with God.  Man, I let it all out with Him.  Happy, sad, frustrated, angry, excited…you name it, it comes out.  God knows our heart anyway, but He wants us to have that deep connection with Him. Nothing surprises Him, and yet nothing that I feel makes Him love me any less or more.  YAHOO!  That is great, fantastic news.  Like with my kids when I can tell that are upset and I ask them what is wrong and they say, “Nothing.”  I want to know. Even if I have already heard from someone else, I am yearning to hear from their own lips and help them through it.  Be honest with God.  Don’t hide things from Him.  He is longing to hear what YOU have to say.



1 comment:

thru eena's eyes said...

SO sorry about Tux! Give the girls and Cale a big hug from me and maybe give Wyatt a "high 5" or maybe a "low 5"??
I am glad the conference went well. I am sure the kids had a great time and that you and Garth SHINED while doing it!
I love you!