Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our Dorm for this Semester

I want to introduce you to our dorm for this year.  At the beginning of the summer it looked like we would be completely full again with 6 boys and 6 girls.  However, much changed in the past three months and it looks like we will only have 3 boys and 3 girls.  At least until Christmas.  Then we will get a bunch more.  I am finding that I do like having a smaller group.  It feels more like a family and less like a small crowd.

These are the kids we have in the order they are standing starting in the front left:

Elisa, Emma with one of our cats, Sophie, Brittany, (second and third row) Dani, Garth, Katie, Colton, Wyatt, Ben, and me.

Cale was napping so you have to imagine him in there somewhere.


This is a really good group of kids.  Ben and Dani are brothers and Colton and Brittany are brother and sister.  For the most part everyone gets along really well.  Our kids like being with them and they enjoy hanging around with our kids as well.

Speaking of our kids, here are some pics.  Cale looking cool, Emma relaxing, Sophie getting to know our new kittens, and Wyatt with his new haircut.


Love you


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