Friday, June 25, 2010

Holding Hands

Our days here are so fun! We are really loving them. When you have been away from those you love for two years, you treasure the “little” moments as much as the big: picnics out in the yard, playing games, baking together, even cleaning together…it is all so special.

Tomorrow we all leave for my Grandpa’s cabin for a few days. It has been about 9 or 10 years since we have been there so we are really looking forward to it. Nothing like the wilderness and the smell of pine to pull you out of the rush of life and into the wonderment of God’s greatness.

Do you ever think about the connectiveness of time and how cool it is that you are where you are right now with the people that you know? I like to trace things back and see clearly how God’s hand was in each step. What if we never answered the phone that busy morning in April when our friends were calling to see if we would like to move to Indonesia? What if Perry had never approached Garth about working with the Youth? What if I had gone to Judson College like I planned instead of listening to God’s voice in my head to go to New Tribes? That was where I met Garth. And that moment changed everything. God is so cool how He gives us what we need at the moment we need it. God doesn’t shine a floodlight on our future to make sure we know exactly what is coming up. He has one Hand shining a flashlight for our next footstep and the other Hand holding onto ours making sure we don’t stumble.

I also think about all the times I am living in my own “noise” and I miss His voice trying to steer me a different way. Sometimes I am like my four year old son, Cale, in Chicago. I wanted him to keep holding my hand while we were walking the streets because I knew what could happen to him. He was trying to stretch beyond my reach and pull away. He had no idea how fast those cars and buses fly around the corners or how easy it would have been for him to get lost and lose sight of us. He thought he knew what was best for him, but he didn’t. That is way too often the way I am with God.

Yet He lovingly and patiently waits for me to come back, to reach back for that hand. It is always there, it never leaves. Just like I would never have abandoned my son in the middle of Chicago.

Life is so much better when you are walking hand in hand. Not that bad things will never happen, it is just that when they do, you know that you are never alone. Never ever.

Joshua 1:5 says, “Just as I have been with Moses. I will be with you. I will not fail you or forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5 says, “For He Himself has said, I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you.”




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