We are having an uncharacteristically quiet weekend. All of the dorm kids are gone except for 3. This is strange. I even got to sleep in until almost 8 and then made french toast for everyone, we ran to the store for some last minute school supplies and now Cale is napping, the other kids are playing, Garth is out and I am relaxing. It is nice when God gives me snippets of time to do nothing in. It is refreshing.
This weekend is a BIG Indonesian holiday-it is their Independence Day. I was talking to Sophie about it and she said, "Mom, it is the National Day of the Appendix." There have been a bunch of parades and we even saw one float.
On a much different note: I have something I need you to pray about. There have been two break-ins up here on our hill. We do have a fence all the way around the perimeter of our property and penjagas (security guards). No one can get in from the road without going through by the gate house and then the penjagas have to open the gate for them. Well, somehow (we think that someone jumped the fence) someone got in twice and broke into two houses and stole stuff. Once during the day and they stole the laptop of a teacher that had just got here from the States. She had only been here 2 days. The thief came during teacher orientation when the house was empty. Then again last night, 3 a.m., they came in while another teacher was sleeping and stole her clothes and stuff. The penjagas heard them and scared them off. They took the clothes, but left their machetes. The second time they got through the bars we have on the windows.
Now, I am certainly not telling you this to freak you out, and I am trying not to let fear get a hold of me here either. I am just as safe here as I would be in Wisconsin because I know that God is in control. But I must admit-last night we had movie night up in our Multi-Purpose Room (everyone was up there) and I left early to take some of our kids home for bed. I was scared walking back to our house in the dark, by myself. I was going around the house turning on lights and checking rooms before I let the kids in. I need to use this as a great opportunity to trust God. Pray that I will. We still need to be careful, though, so pray that we find a good balance. And pray for the ladies that had their stuff stolen-it would be awesome if they got their stuff back and whoever stole it could find out about the forgiveness Jesus can offer.
I need you to trust us into God's control-we are in His hands, so pray don't worry.
Love you
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