Praise the Lord we made it! We weren’t sure for awhile there exactly what was going to happen. When we checked in at the Jakarta airport they told us that our reservations had been cancelled somehow. That is not exactly what we wanted to hear. They also mentioned that every flight out for June 1 and 2 were full. So we got together and prayed hoping for a miracle. There were 2 empty wheelchairs at the counter so the kids took turns giving Cale rides. That was a blessing while we waited. Finally they worked something out and got us on the flight. Thank you Lord. We were able to get right through customs and still make the flight. Every step of the way, God helped us. Due to the cancellation of our reservations, we didn’t have seats for our flight in San Francisco, but when we got to that counter they found us seats. Customs and immigration in California were amazingly easy. We were picked to wait while the officials went through all of our luggage, but it was a great time to do it. The kids were all refreshed from some sleep on the airplane and we had a nice bench to sit on whi

le we waited. It was a LONG trip, but the kids really did great! They got some sleep on the plane, Garth and I didn’t really, but we were able to function with patience-thankfully. We are so appreciative to you for praying for us and thinking about us during these last few days. Now, we need to adjust to the time change, and temperature difference. I am so excited to be here-we all are actually, and we will enjoy every minute.
But for now, we need sleep.
Talk to you later.
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