Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wyatt's Arm

I thought I would let you know that Wyatt fell yesterday in the gym and landed funny on his arm. It was out straight and he landed on the palm of his hand so his elbow was kind of jammed up. We took him to the clinic to have it looked at today and we were told that he needs to go and get it x-rayed. It is 2:00 in the afternoon on Friday and the hospital is closed (go figure, that’s Papua!) so we will try and see if we can get the x-ray done at Dian Harapan (that is where Garth had his appendix removed from). There is a chance he will need to go to Singapore to have a cast put on. If it is broken, it is broken on a growth plate and it wouldn’t be able to wait until we get home. So one of us, I guess probably Garth, would go with him and have that done. He is in pain and right now has it in a bandage and a sling. I will keep you posted for sure.
Love you

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