Happy Easter!!! I had such a great day. We got up and went to the sunrise church service this morning-which I must say it is an amazing sight when the sun is coming up over the mountains. After the service, the church all had breakfast together, and then I had a scavenger hunt planned for our kids to find their Easter goody bags. (Sugar!!!!) We did our own family time where we talked about what Easter really is about-Jesus rose again!! He is alive!!! My life would be hopeless if my God was dead. He wouldn't be much good to me dead. I mean, really, how much can a dead guy do???? Nothing. But I know that my God is not dead. He makes Himself real to me everyday. I can tell by how He has taken us through each new day here, I can see Him every time I look outside, I am amazed at His creativity every time I look at my children's faces, I see Him answer my prayers. No, He is definately not dead. And that is why today is such an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we celebrated all day long. We dyed eggs-which was my first experience in dying brown eggs. I made my own dye and they turned out cute. The kids had so much fun. We made a big Easter cake and then the kids each decorated their own little bunny cake. We had pancakes in the shape of bunnies, and then family movie night (Over the Hedge-not very Eastery but it was funny), and bed. I love days like this where we can be together all day long. We have tomorrow too. There is no school here. Yipee!
Yesterday we had a big water fight. My family gave us some water balloons and a launcher, so we took full advantage of this heat and really cooled off. It turned into a bucket throwing contest with the boys against the girls. The boys won because Garth claimed control of the hose and wouldn't give it up. I mean, how much water can you throw at someone when he is spraying you right in the face with a hose? Then we cleaned up and all went to KFC for dinner.
As I write this you are all waking up and getting ready for your Easter celebrations. I hope you have a truly wonderful day. I will be thinking about you.
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