Saturday, March 29, 2008

March 29. 2008

Family time is my favorite

One of our pembantus was sick so she sent someone over to
sell us one of her pigs so she would have enough money for medicine

Cale and Daddy went all the way to Abe to buy meat

This is our airport

March 29, 2008

The seniors came home today. Garth picked them up at the airport. They had the all night flight from Bali, so they were exhausted. Hopefully after a good nap we can hear all about their trip. One of our girls left a blond and came home a brunette, and another left a brunette and came home a blond. Another girl brought us home some Krispy Kreme donuts. That was a treat. We will let you know details about the trip later.

March 28, 2008

This little girl was watching Cale

Cale is just like Wyatt was at this age-fascinated by heavy equipment

The Healing Man

Yesterday when we were at the pasar we noticed a big commotion. That is when we saw this man speaking under the tent while his 2 helpers counted his money. He drew a circle in the sand and invited a man to stand in it. Then he took a mouthful of water and spit it on the guys foot-twice. We are not sure what that was about. The man who got his foot spit on didn't look too pleased. He had little bottles of stuff in boxes. It seemed he was selling those for money. We couldn't understand all that he was saying, but it was quite interesting to watch.
Cale carried this baby all around the store
This was a travelling speaker-it looked like he was trying to heal people

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

March 23, 2008


The sunrise service
It doesn't look the same outside by you, does it?
Cale thought the eggs looked prettier than they tasted

Cale taking a break from his french fries at KFC
Easter breakfast together as a church

Water Fight!

Happy Easter-March 23. 2008

Happy Easter!!! I had such a great day. We got up and went to the sunrise church service this morning-which I must say it is an amazing sight when the sun is coming up over the mountains. After the service, the church all had breakfast together, and then I had a scavenger hunt planned for our kids to find their Easter goody bags. (Sugar!!!!) We did our own family time where we talked about what Easter really is about-Jesus rose again!! He is alive!!! My life would be hopeless if my God was dead. He wouldn't be much good to me dead. I mean, really, how much can a dead guy do???? Nothing. But I know that my God is not dead. He makes Himself real to me everyday. I can tell by how He has taken us through each new day here, I can see Him every time I look outside, I am amazed at His creativity every time I look at my children's faces, I see Him answer my prayers. No, He is definately not dead. And that is why today is such an awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So we celebrated all day long. We dyed eggs-which was my first experience in dying brown eggs. I made my own dye and they turned out cute. The kids had so much fun. We made a big Easter cake and then the kids each decorated their own little bunny cake. We had pancakes in the shape of bunnies, and then family movie night (Over the Hedge-not very Eastery but it was funny), and bed. I love days like this where we can be together all day long. We have tomorrow too. There is no school here. Yipee!
Yesterday we had a big water fight. My family gave us some water balloons and a launcher, so we took full advantage of this heat and really cooled off. It turned into a bucket throwing contest with the boys against the girls. The boys won because Garth claimed control of the hose and wouldn't give it up. I mean, how much water can you throw at someone when he is spraying you right in the face with a hose? Then we cleaned up and all went to KFC for dinner.
As I write this you are all waking up and getting ready for your Easter celebrations. I hope you have a truly wonderful day. I will be thinking about you.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sophie loves borrowing the Olver's bike so she can ride again

Good Friday-March 21, 2008

Cale cooling off in a bucket
We had a Good Friday grill out at the Olver's

This is where Yanis lives
Jason got a new snake-the big one on the left.
It was in a tree in his yard

Legos are always cool

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Junk Food

Sophie’s comment yesterday was, “You know, having parents is better than having owies.” Tis true girlie! Then she started talking about how much she misses Wisconsin hot dogs. They have “hot dogs “ here-they are called chicken sausages. Not the same. Yesterday I went to the pasar (market) to get a few things and found an Indonesian lady at the same veggie stand as me that could speak a little bit of English. So she was “helping” me get what I needed and telling people that I was her cousin.
I spent some time on Sunday talking to two girls whose parents work in a village in Indonesia. They were talking about how a few years ago when they first went to the village everyone was walking around naked or with gourds or bark skirts. Then they left for a year to the States and when they came back the villagers had clothes. Apparently, some of the young men found out that there was a trading post down “South” where they could trade for clothes. Not knowing that much about clothes though they were trying to make them work with their life. The ladies were walking around with the bras on backward and cut holes in the front of the T- shirts so they could still nurse their babies. They are trying to be like the Westeners and the Indonesians at the same time.
Talent night went really well. There was so much participation and variety. The night was full of laughter and fun. For our kids half the fun was that Mommy let them have junk. They stocked up on popcorn, and Starburst and M&M’s. I think they had their quota for a few months.
This week is full of excitement. The kids have a half day on Wednesday and then no school Friday and Monday for Easter. The Senior class will leave on Friday to fly to Bali for 8 days for their class trip. I know it will be great. They have been working hard to raise enough money to pay for everything and they did it. That was one of the reason for buying all that junk food at Talent Night. The money went to the Senior class.
We have had some boiling days here lately. It was over 100 in the shade last week. Emma can’t wait till she can wear a sweatshirt again. She keeps asking when it is going to get cooler.
I know you are anxious for the spring and I have heard that the grass is starting to poke through there. YEAH! That is such a fun time of year. Enjoy it.
Lots of love-Rachel

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Saturday Night Live skit

I got a fever-and the only prescription is more cowbell!

American Idol at Talent Night

Wyatt was Simon and the other girl was Paula

Talent Night-March 15, 2008

The girls did a song called Dr. Knickerbacker

March 15, 2008

I think they got abducted by aliens

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm allergic to...

March 12, 2008
Sophie came into the kitchen yesterday and informed me that she is allergic to two things: snakes and pears. Interesting combination! She will often tell me she is allergic to the things that she doesn't really like. She knows other kids can get out of having to eat certain things or be around certain things because they are allergic, so she thought she would try it. If that is the case then I think I am "allergic" to heat, and scrubbing toilets. How about you?
Garth is progressing, but I think he would say he is "allergic" to appendix surgeries. We have started walking together in the mornings with Cale up and down the hills-well, Cale doesn't walk, he rides...but it is good for Garth and I to do it together. He has been downloading podcasts of sermons and we listen to them as we walk.
Kitty, (Howie), would say he is "allergic" to gates. He is hobbling around on his little splint. We are trying hard to teach Cale how to be gentle., but his gentle is "hardly" soft.
Cale is "allergic" to giving up his will. He is going through quite the time of correction. We are teaching him how important it is to listen and obey whether you want to or not.
Wyatt is "allergic" to homework. He enjoys school but does not enjoy homework. He thinks all work should be able to get done at school. His teacher called and asked me to sub for her tomorrow morning. That should be interesting. I have never subbed grade 4 before. Hmmm...I wonder if I should give homework...
Emma is "allergic" to fighting. She has been having some issues with friends not wanting her to be friends with anyone else and that breaks her heart. She has been coming home in tears. This has been a great teaching tool for us and she is beginning to understand how to be a good friend even to those that make it difficult.
Well, hopefully today you won't have to do any of those things you are "allergic" to. But if you do, plug your nose and maybe it won't be so bad.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Papuan garden.

Cale takes a seat in the hedge in front of the new hostel.

Cale at KFC.

Nasi Bunkus.

Sophie's burn.

My three zany boys.