Friday, December 7, 2007

December 6, 2007 - Kitty, Kids, and Grass

We needed to make a trip into Abepura today. (Abepura means city of cemetaries)-lovely name, huh? Anyways we needed to go and pick up some meat that we ordered and take Song Min to get his arm x-rayed at Dian Harapan, (a clinic.) Last night there was a huge storm which caused mud slides all over the road. We must have gone through at least 6 or 7 of them. It is interesting how the police mark the road so you know to slow down because there is a mud slide up ahead. What they do is put a big clump of grass in the road on what should be the middle line, and then people know to go slow.
The kitty is still here-YEAH! The kids and I are so very excited about that. She is very cute, and really a sweet kitty. We are guessing she is around 3 months old. There is a nice veterinarian lady here that I am going to ask to come and check her out and tell me if she needs any medicine for anything. The kids all want to take her to show-and-tell. She sat on Sophie’s lap for a long time today while she read to her. Sophie is actually reading. I have been working with her at home and she is doing great. She has a Dick and Jane book that we got out of the library and she can read almost the whole thing. I asked her to read for her teacher and the teacher was so impressed that she had Sophie read in front of the whole class. Emma is doing real well in her accelerated spelling class. She works hard on her lists of words every day. She is also getting quite good at her cursive handwriting. Wyatt continues to amaze me with his efficiency at learning languages. He is doing phenomenal in Indonesian and has had some kids teach him how to sing “Away in a Manger” in Korean and Dutch. The thing that amazes me is how well he remembers it after just hearing it once or twice. Cale and Daddy have had some real bonding time lately. They have been taking long motorcycle rides in the afternoon; going to different construction sites to look at the backhoes, or to the airport to watch the planes take off and land. They can ride right out to the field by the runway and have the planes fly right overhead. Good father/son moments!
I need you to pray about something for me. There was an incident that happened today to a missionary family here. They are good friends of ours. Their 13 yr. old daughter had a Papuan grab her butt and squeeze it today in the parking lot of Hypermarket, and made an attempt to touch her chest. There are security guards there at all times, and they came running when the girls’ father yelled. The Papuan ran, but the guards caught him and began beating him. The father and another missionary that knows the language and culture took the man to the police station where they learned that the man is crazy. He will go to Jayapura to a mental hospital for 3 days, longer if his family has money to pay for it. So, please, pray for the missionary family as they deal with this: that they wouldn’t feel unsafe here, for the younger brother that was right there and feels like he might have been able to prevent it, and for the parents to know how to handle the whole thing. Thanks.
I hope those of you that love snow are enjoying it, and those of you that are sick of it already, think about us. Sitting here in the heat, sweating, sometimes before we even get out of bed in the morning. Feel the heat, and the humidity, and more heat, and the rain, and more heat…it was 93 in the shade today. Now, the snow doesn’t seem so bad, does it? They say the grass is always greener on the other side of the … world! Well, it really is. We have lots of green grass, and trees, and blossoming flowers-and heat, did I mention the heat? Ha Ha.
Love you all,

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