Friday, October 5, 2007

October 3, 2007 - Flexibility

We are learning how important patience and flexibility are here. We just found out that the antenae that sends the signal to our dorm so we can have internet is fried, so we may not have internet down there anymore. But at least we have another option. We can come up to the computer lab and use the internet there. That is what I am doing now. The thing is that we may not be able to do it everyday. We will try.
Garth did get his laptop. YEAH!!!!!!! He is having so much fun getting to know it. Hopefully it will help in loading pictures.
We just got back from the MAF base. A friend of ours that was in training in Idaho with us just got here today. Her name is Lynne and she will teach Wamena. She is coming over for lunch tomorrow, so we will take her for a ride on the town. How exciting!
Two girls in the dorm think they may have malaria, so last night I did two malaria slides to take to the doctor today. I hope I am doing them right. I guess I will find out later. I am praying that they aren't sick. Beernt did have malalria, but he is so much better now. He even went to volleyball practice yesterday.
This weekend is the Sadie Hawkins banquet so the kids are all abuzz about costumes and dates etc. The theme is always a surprise so they are trying to guess what it might be. It sounds like it will be a great night.
A quick update on the atennae. The are looking to try and fix it so we may be able to have internet again. I am in the computer lab now and the kids are coming in for a class in a few minutes so I need to send this. I wanted to tell you a few more things, but they will have to wait.
Love you

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