Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 20, 2007 - Free at last!

Garth is a free man now that he has his license. He has been a man about the town and loving it. He went out with Cale and then with Sophie when she got out of school. Garth said Cale was so funny. He had his hand hanging out the window and was yelling "Pagi" (which is Good Morning) to everyone. I will take a picture of Gus, the big dorm bus that we can drive so you can picture it. When Garth went out with Sophie to the store, they were waiting for a worker to go in the back and get a case of cleaner. All of a sudden Sophie started to cry. She buried her head in Garth's legs and was bawling. Garth said, "What is wrong?" Sophie said,"I miss Ang. She used to come over for pancakes" So Garth felt terrible. He said he almost started to cry. Do you know how he handled it? He said, "Why don't you go pick out a toy." So Sophie came home with a new pink poodle!!! I wonder if this will start a pattern...Garth....
I am improving everyday. I was able to sit in the kitchen and make some cookies. The dorm kids helped me. I also helped a little bit with dinner. It felt good to do something off my back. All I am on now is the Indonesian equivilent of Tylenol. I am being very careful-no bending or lifting. I am not standing long or sitting long, and I even took a long nap today.
Wyatt is really starting to love these dorm kids. He said tonight that they are all his favorites. Then I said something about the dorm kids and Wyatt interupted me and said,"You mean, our family, Mom. They are our family now." It is amazing how God can blend so many different people together in such a short amount of time. He is cool that way.
I must say good-bye. I need to go lay down and close my eyes for a long time and dream.

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