Hey you guys. I feel like my mind is swimming with all these facts and statistics about Corona. I don't know about you, but I take breaks from the news and make sure I have regular times of praise instead.It really helps to reset my brain. God is a God that can be trusted and we are constantly taking the world issues to Him as a family. He is the only One with answers.
If you are interested in giving your mind something else to think about, I have some more pictures from my time on OE.
Day 8- We got up early to start our hike into Minei. The first picture shows where we were starting from and the second picture with the arrow shows you where we were going to.
So check out some of these mountains we had to climb up and down. Haha.
We stopped at a village along the way called Hambuka to rest. Hambuka was only a 2 1/2 hr hike.
Then we continued on. It was about 11 am when we left Hambuka. We hiked through some dense jungles, and across 6 rivers before we finally got there. It took us 7 1/2 hours.
It was an amazing journey, one of the hardest things I ever did for sure, but so worthwhile. We had some extraordinary connections with the villagers. I will tell you more about that tomorrow.
Thanks for praying for safety. There were some places that were very sketchy and dangerous.
Love you