Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Holidays and Beyond

Hey you guys. I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as ours. Emma came from Arkansas and we had such a great time all together just the six of us making memories, (and cookies), playing games, and laughing until we are sore! 
Garth is almost done with his treatments and is doing great. We are so thankful to be living somewhere where he can easily get treatment for his cancer. And so many people have stepped up allowing him to live with them, so his housing has been provided. God is so very good.
I want to give you an update on what's going on with us.
Some things we know and some things we don't know, yet. Garth's last treatment is Dec. 11 and we are planning on leaving the Washington area on Dec. 12 to head toward Wisconsin for the Holidays. After that we are not quite sure what God has planned. Our hearts lie in Papua and we are hoping that all of the details work out for us to go back there. The school in Papua got a family to run the dorm for us while we have been here and so there isn't an immediate need for us to go back as dorm parents. There is, however, a need in August but MAF can't just have us sit around and wait until then. So, as of right now we don't know what is next.
Please be in prayer with us about all of these details. God is such a great God, so full of wisdom and we can trust Him to be faithful and true. 
We will keep you updated as we know. Thank you for always supporting us and praying. God has used you in an effective way in our ministry and we greatly appreciate you.
Garth and Rachel