Monday, February 20, 2017

Back from OE

Yahoo!  We are back and it was awesome! Awesome isn't even a strong enough word to describe it. OE this year was in the village of Ibele up in the highlands. We were at 5,900 ft. The people are always a highlight for me. I love hanging out with the ladies and the kids.  There was a total of 85 of us that invaded the village and tried our best to make a difference. We had some work projects like painting, building a road, installing water tanks, fixing the runway fence, and planting over 100 orange trees.  We opened a medical clinic and saw 100 patients, and opened a  dental clinic where we saw 80 dental patients. My team of 8 pulled out 17 teeth. We had 8 days of Kids Clubs and 5 Gospel presentations where over 50 people came forward! Guys, this is what you were praying for!!!  It was so super cool. God showed up and He did amazing things.
Our group hiked up to 8,000 ft. to another village called Sinema. It was cold! I haven't been that cold for a LONG time, probably last year on OE. Haha. We played games with the kids, did crafts, hung out in their houses, slept in their huts, ate their food, sang and prayed together. I wish you could have been there. It was an experience like no other. In Indonesian we would say it was "luar biasa." Outside of normal which translates to extraordinary!
I have seen such spiritual growth in the kids since last year. So many volunteering and serving with joyful hearts. It was a privilege for me to be there with Emma and Sophie and observe them from afar. They love these kinds of things and really shine.
God is so good, you guys. And we are so very blessed. There is an abounding number of things we have that we should be thanking God for every day.  Our lives are so easy compared to the people here. And yet joy is so much more evident here than in America. These people are happy with so little. Spending time with each other is what is important. Not stuff. So that is what we did. Every chance we had we spent time with them, holding their babies, playing with their kids, playing guitars and singing songs, talking, sitting, listening, being. For two weeks, life slowed down. And I loved it. 
Now we are back. Everyone took multiple showers to try and scrub off the gallons of mud caked on our skins, and we all slept in our own beds. Life will go back to normal, but none of us are the same. God has moved in our hearts. I can see changes already. And it makes me smile. What does He have in store for us next? Who knows, but we are ready. And you had a part in all of this.
Thank you! Your prayers were very needed. There were a lot of hikes up the very slippery mountains, and treacherous rivers to cross, and cliffs to shimmy over. So thank you for praying.  Keep praying for all of us. That God would continue to move.
Love you

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Final OE Update

This is the last update I will send.  Thanks for praying.  As I write this, it is 10:00am on Thursday.  I'm sure they have already departed to head to Wamena.  Please pray for a safe trip home and pray that Wyatt, Cale, and I can clean the house. ;)

Dear OE follower:
Today’s OE update just arrived: 
From Mr. Berg – Groups 5 to 8 are back!!  Praise the Lord.  So much prayer was surrounding them as they hiked.  The stories are flowing in and it sounds like people had an amazing time with the amazing people of this area.  The hikes were indeed up & down, & up again.  We are thankful that everyone has returned safely to Ibele. 

Please continue to pray for our kids.  We want to finish well!  Now that we are close to the end we are feeling a bit run down.  The cold and sniffles are zapping strength.  But praise the Lord people are persevering.  So neat to see how the HS supports and encourages.  We continue to learn how to rely on God for strength.  Today we are thankful to be back as a HS again. 

Tomorrow we will hike out of Ibele to the road and then get on buses to bring us back to Wamena.  We will sleep in the MAF and Helivida Hangars.  Then Friday morning groups 1-4 will be on the first Wings flight.  Groups 5-8 and some of the adult helpers  will be on the second wings flight. (No changes to the email information sent earlier today.)    Praise the Lord for all he is doing!  Sending love from Ibele. 

From today’s daily OE devotional: 
Divine Disclosure, by Jordan Adams

God’s wisdom is hidden,
A mystery we cannot fathom.
Yet it has been given
To free us from the chasm.
Kings and rulers of this age
Could not understand it,
For knowledge-filled pages
Are not compared to the Spirit.
Destined for our glory
Was to know Christ fully,
His life a living testimony,
Walking in perfection.
Only to pay for your debt
He was God’s selection.
Who freed you from all regret
And now you live in relation to your Lord.
His Spirit alive in you,
You are now made new.
God searches your heart
And knows you by name.
His plan is a work of art,
Run hard in the game.
You have won,
Because of God’s son.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

OE Update from Rachel

Oh yeah!  Finally!  An update from Rachel's group.  Thanks for praying.

Update 9
Dear OE follower:
Today’s updates include a message from Group 2 and also Mr. Berg:

OE update group 2 “A.R.M.Y.”  LEADER Rachel Erickson reports:
OE is so stretching for us.  Not to the point of breaking, but shaping us to be more of what God desires us to be.  We are having a great time together as a group to best reflect this light.  God is good – even when we are slipping in the mud, or shoveling gravel.  He is here and we can feel his presence.  Thanks for your prayers.
Helen Smith:  I had a great time interacting with the people in our small village.  They loved to laugh and I enjoyed trying to communicate with them while doing crafts.   My favorite part was listening to the ladies sing and pray for us while we were staying in our honai.
Lydia Ahn:  Pulled out teeth, painted church, dug clay to make road, hiked to small village, did kids club, hiked to small village, did kids club, hiked to church, ate bakar batu, hiked to school. 
Cameron Gordan:  some of us are sick, but overall doing good!  Looking forward to real coffee…
Alyssa Brown:  OE this year has been really fun.  I love doing kids club and seeing them have a great time and laugh.  This year God has taught me patience with the hikes, people and even myself.  I loved our small village, it was so pretty there.  Miss you all back in Sentani.
Megan Brown:  OE has been a huge growing experience, it has challenged my faith in different ways that I am grateful for.  I have enjoyed being with the people not only in Ibele but also in my small village, Sinima.  I found the 5.5 hour hike there challenging but thinking back on it now I found I enjoyed it and was a good test of my attitude.
Jalen Berg:  OE is going well!  The small village was good.  When we got there we got to stay in a church and they brought us food right away.  They were extremely generous.  The next day for lunch we got to watch them kill a pig.  Then we ate pig together.  We are learning a lot from Uncle Dan’s talks on the Ten Commandments.

Now from Mr. Berg: 
A Valentine’s OE update – We have heard from groups 5 – 8 and they have made it to their small villages with some rain while hiking.  We continue to pray for them as they minister there until tomorrow morning and then hike back.  Tomorrow afternoon we plan to have a carnival with as many people who come.  Hopefully it can be a time of fun.  Groups 1 – 4 are working hard in Ibele to get painting and oiling completed.  As well as rocks hauled for a road that right now is all mud.  Currently group 3 is down at the SMP school performing their kids club. 
Last night Todd shared that during the weekend services people came to the Lord.  A kepala desa (village head) of a surrounding area has three wives and two of them accepted Jesus.  The wives would like to be baptized.  Praise the Lord!  The Lord is moving and we get to participate in His work.  What an amazing opportunity.
Doctor Wijnanda from Wamena arrived yesterday and is running clinics for the local people with our students learning beside her.  Again what an opportunity for our students. 
Sick bay update:  last night a couple people began having some stomach issues.  We have a couple students who are taking it easy this morning.  Sore throats and coughing also continue.  But overall it seems like we are healthy and able to continue doing what God has for us to do.
Sun is shining and spirits are up and we hope that some of the mud disappears today!  Thanks for your prayers and Happy Valentine’s Day everyone.  Leaders are missing their spouses today! 

Monday, February 13, 2017

More OE Updates

I've received a few updates since I last wrote to you.  I'll try and put some explanations in parentheses where needed. Sorry the updates have backed up. I'll try to keep up with them as they arrive.  Thanks for continuing to pray.


Update 5
Dear OE follower:
Further update today from Debbie Adams (Todd and Debbie Adams are the host missionaries.  They've been in Ibele for many years now). Even though you already received some news today I thought I’d pass this along since there is an update on the hike:

Groups 1 – 4 are back in Ibele having arrived at about 12:30.  They had hiked since 7am. Debbie said they are in good spirits but those groups, joined by all other groups will need to hike  for about a half hour tonight to reach the big Youth Meeting. (You may notice that Rachel is in Group 2, so she had just returned from the hike.  I will also highlight in the table below, all of the kids who live in our dorm.)

Tonight is the Big Youth Meeting.  Please be in prayer for that. Ethan and Abbey are giving their testimonies, and 6 groups are doing their skits.  Todd Adams will be preaching and Patti Jordan will be doing some translating. 

Update 6
Dear OE follower:
Today’s update is from Group 7.  Leader Peter Seow starts with:
Group 7 NAMED “SWAG”  (Saved with Amazing Grace) is doing fantastically well.  All members are extremely  cooperative and have a great attitude even though the work can be difficult and schedules get changed because of circumstances on the ground.  It is a pleasure to lead Group 7 on OE 2017.

David Mathews:  Still alive! OE is going great! I have been able to spend quality time with each member of my group.  Thanks for your prayers.  God bless you!

Joella deJong:  It’s so beautiful here!  It has been fun so far on OE and I love hanging out with the locals here, especially the kids!  I think I have become a babysitter (ha ha!)  Anyway, I miss you all very much and also my warm bed!  I will see you soon.

Jordan Adams:  It’s going good! My group is great!  Kid’s club and youth night went great.

Josiah Lewis:  So Fun!  I have really been enjoying OE.  My Group has been great.  We have really been working well together.  Sleep has been sad but definitely not bad!  And I have not gotten sick.

Kenneth Kosasih:  It’s Bagus Sekali!!  I have been enjoying OE. God is really working in me, my group, and the Ibele people.  Thank you for your prayers.  I am very healthy.  Please continue to pray for us and me.  Can’t wait to tell all the stories.  Sleep is a bit rough but its ok. 

Morgan Dinkleman:  OE is going really well.  There are some days when I felt a little sad but I talked with God and asked Him to be with me and its going well.  I love this baby I am holding in my arms right now.  I love talking to friends, working on projects and helping people. 

Manin DeVries:  Ibele is a beautiful village and the sun shines most of the time.  The Lord is good.  Tomorrow groups 5-8 leave for the small village – this includes me.

Sophie Erickson:  I’m having a great time and don’t really miss anything (except my brothers and my Dad!)  OE is the bomb and I NEVER want to leave.  I wish I could stay here forever!

Yali Wilson:  Surviving and enjoying OE.  I have lots of stories.  I can’t wait to be home but then I will miss the beauty here!

One of today’s OE devotionals follows: 

Just to start things off, I hope you are having a wonderful time on our OE trip so far. What I want to talk about is anger. I heard overwhelmingly positive stories of people going to OE, but I also have heard some negative opinions as well. Clearly OE is mentally, physically, and spiritually exhausting, and that will lead to some people feeling fairly agitated. If you are agitated, or  you know somebody who clearly is getting angry, would you please look at Proverbs 15:1. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”
                Everyone runs into setbacks in their lives, but the problem is that we let the emotions that come forth from that ruin our day. God does not want us to be angry, because we so easily let that get in the way of our path with him, and we proceed to bring down those around us as well. The path of Christianity is a narrow one, and anger can easily make us turn away from God. This is where you need to sit and calm down. Remember, Satan wants you to fall off of the path.
                Instead of having our heads hang low, and focusing on what is going wrong, you should look at everything positively. Rejoice in things that do not go your way, for they are just trials God put before us as a test of your faith. Be honored, God is giving you a test, and an opportunity to honor him. Keep your heads held high, encourage those around you, and take comfort knowing that God has it all under control. ~ Joshua Larson

Update 7
Dear OE follower:
Today’s update is from Group 4.
Ethan Martin writes  --  I am having a blast.  Learning lots.  Hanging out. Small village was amazing!  The kids here are so fun and they speak good Indonesian. That makes having fun a lot easier.  Praise God for all he is doing in Ibele.
Grace Holsten writes – The bakar batu (a "bakar batu" is a big feast where they cook pigs in hot rocks.) after church was really pretty good. The Chicken, ferns, ubi (ubi is a vegetable like a sweet potato) hit the spot.  It was fun to hang out and eat after the 3.5 hour service.
Atalee Brown writes – today we were at church which is around a thirty minute walk away.  In church I sat by this really cute little girl.  Half way through the service I found out she is kind ofnaughty.  It was sort of funny.
Ryan Sitanggang writes – Today was a special day of spiritual growth.  I also had my first bakar batu which was crazy!  I miss you guys.  God bless.
Elisha Lewis writes:  I sat next to Peran at the bakar batu andhe also hiked with us from Butliam, our small village. He carried my back pack. I am glad he got to go back  to his family after taking the six hour hike. 
Daniel Dinkelmann—we went to church today and we ate bakar  batu and now I kind of feel sick.  I am happy and surviving.
Micaiah Elliot – today I hiked up from the same trail for the fifth time.We went to church then had a feast.  It was good.  Special happy birthday wishes to Noah!

One of today’s OE devotionals follows: 
We have been tasked with a commission, a great commission. We have been asked, by God, to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations. Oftentimes, when we read or hear about it though, we discard it saying, “That’s for when I’m older” or, “That’s what my parents do”. We say we’ll make an impact on the world “when we have a chance to”. Well, here’s our chance. God has put us in this place today where we can make a difference. How many times will you have this opportunity? Chances are that most of us will never come back here. If we don’t take the risk and step outside our comfort zone, we are wasting the chance that God has given us. OE is that chance. Don’t ignore it because others are better at talking with people, or interacting with kids, or spending long amounts of time with some people they just met. I found out on my first OE that even something as simple as throwing a Frisbee can make a difference in peoples’ lives. God will do the work, you just have to step forth in faith and let him use you to do great things.
                On that note, I give you (and me) a challenge for this OE. I challenge you to ask God to work through you and then talk (or listen) to the local people (groups are fine) for at least an hour or more outside of the times required by your OE schedule. Let God do great things with your life.  Here are some helpful verses. 2 Timothy 1:7-8, Matthew 28: 19-20, Mark 16:15  ~ David Mathews

Update 8
Dear OE follower:
Today’s second update is from Group 5 and Mr. Berg.  Here is the Group 5 update:
On Saturday Group 5 started with painting. We had a great time working together and we formed stronger bonds. We were able to welcome the hikers from Thursday with songs and cheers.  This was followed by a hike to the church for the youth outreach. It was a physical uphill hike for 35 to 50 minutes but everyone kept a good attitude. The youth outreach was especially exciting.  Many young people, perhaps 40 from HIS and here locally responded to God’s call for salvation or to give Him more of their lives. It was a memorable day where we saw God at work. So keep praying for us that God uses us even more.

And another update from Mr. Berg himself:
It’s a new week on OE 2017 and what a weekend!!!  Groups 1-4 returned safely Saturday afternoon and the reports from the small village were amazing.  God is working!  Students did a great job on the trail and ministering.   After a couple hours break all groups left for the youth ministry meeting (45 minutes hike.)  At the youth meeting some of our groups did character skits.  Tammy Wisley and band led worship, Abigail and Ethan shared their testimonies, one Ibele youth shared a testimony.  Todd Adams used English while Patty  Jordan translated.  Todd spoke on the kingdom of heaven.  He challenged the youth to repent and believe.  At the end of the service there was a call to come forward and many of our students as well as Ibele youth went to the front.  It was an emotional time.  We prayed and sang songs.  Then while Peter Seow set up the movie, groups 1-4 returned to base camp to get some rest while groups 5-8 watched a movie with the youth.  Sunday we hiked back to the same church to be part of their service.  Dan Wisley spoke on purity while Todd Adams translated to Indonesian.  Service was around 3.5 hours long with singing and sharing and announcements.  Students did a great job of staying engaged.  More Ibele people went forward after the service.  And Dan’s talk is still being discussed amongst our leaders and students.  After this we  had a bakar batu and returned.

This morning as I write, groups 5-8 are preparing to depart for their hikes.  We can see their villages from here and they are at a higher elevation which will mean some climbing.  Please be in prayer for them. 

As a large group we continue to learn about unity and what it means to put the needs of the group before our personal needs.  Unity is always a huge part of what we try to accomplish on OE.  Community living can be difficult but the students and staff are really stepping up to this challenge. 

Sick Bay report:  Runny noses and coughs are going around and this is causing some to feel weak.  Again I am so impressed with your children.  No major injuries.  Praise the Lord.  Please pray for the groups hiking (groups 5-8) and for continued safety.  God is moving and teaching. 

(Mr. Berg is the high school principal.  He is the main leader and organizer of OE.  Two weeks before OE began, Mr. Berg tweaked his knee playing ping pong at my house, of all things.  One week before OE, he traveled to Singapore to see a knee specialist.  He was hoping to get surgery to fix torn meniscus and damaged tendons.  The doctor examined him and decided that he didn't need surgery, just some good physiotherapy.   So, Mr. Berg hobbled his way to Ibele a few days late, hitching a ride on an MAF supply plane.  He really didn't want to miss his 12th OE.)

Friday, February 10, 2017

OE Updates

Hi.  I know that Rachel mentioned that I would keep you guys up to date with the OE group.  So far, all the updates (which aren't that many) have been very generic.  But today we received one that had a little more substance in it and I thought I'd shoot it your way.  Thanks for praying. - Garth

Dear OE follower:
Today I have just received two updates to pass along.  First from Principal Darren Berg:
I was able to join OE yesterday and it has been great to interact with groups 5-8. Groups1-4 are currently hiking back to Ibele and will hopefully arrive late morning/early afternoon.  Please pray with us that they will return healthy and stretched in their faith.  The overall attitude of the students is amazing! They are working hard at painting, oiling, hauling rocks, preparing meals, and ministering to a local school.
Our accommodations have been great and we are thankful for that. Right now we have some students under the weather but none that are too sick to work on the projects, so this is another praise.  Please also pray for the youth event happening tonight.  Lord willing, we will all be joining the Ibele youth in a large worship service.  Tammy Wisley with the help of our students will be running this program with Todd Adams speaking.  Thanks so much for your prayers.
Then from Group 6:
OE has been great so far.  No one is extremely injured or sick and we’ve been having lots of  fun.  Lots of work has been done such as painting churches, oli kotor-ing stinky bathrooms, digging through mountains and making new trails so we don’t slip.  Our group has done something called kids club. We hiked a half hour away to sing, dance, play games and teach kids our age.  God has really been working in the hearts of both us and these beautiful people here.  Please continue to pray for  us as we minister to the people and try to bless them and show God’s love.  We greatly appreciate your prayers and we miss you mommys and daddys a lot.  See you soon.

And then one of today’s OE devotionals is as follows:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, being poor in spirit means sinful and broken. How do you feel about your sin? Think about it like this, I’m assuming you all have good relationships with your fathers, if you were to turn on them, there should be pain in you when you realize the pain you have caused on your father. The reason why you feel hurt is because you have a strong relationship, you love your father. Now God being your heavenly father, when you sin, you are turning from him and doing what you want. How do you feel about that? Shouldn’t there be some kind of regret and desire to change? I’m not judging your relationship with God at all but if you don’t feel bad about it, maybe you need to build a better relationship with God. Use it as a hint of where you might be with God. Maybe you’re going through tough times and haven’t thought much about your sin, I’m not saying this is the only way to see where you are with God. I want to encourage you to take your sin seriously, even though it might seems small, it can lead to bigger things and get out of hand. Blessed are those who mourn, there is good and bad mourning. It is good to mourn over your brokenness but don’t soak in it. I think the better you can fight your temptations, the closer you will be to God, it says: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” I jumped down a few of the beatitudes but these three stuck out to me. OE might be the right time to examine your heart, find those heart idols, and see where you are in your relationship with God. Later on in your life, it will become more evident that you will need to depend on God, grow close to him while you can, while you’re in this God loving community. And remember that we are saved by grace and not by our works. Don’t take that grace for granted and think it’s ok if I fall into sin because I’m already saved, know how much of God’s grace and mercy we can take and how much work we should put into becoming better people. Now don’t fall into the trap of being ok when people think you’re a great person because that’s a heart idol. My main point is to encourage you to see how you’re are doing with God and strive to get close to him. Be real about it, if you’re not doing well, don’t pretend that you are doing good. This isn’t something that I have sorted out for myself; I just wanted to share it.  ~ Yali Wilson

OE groups are as follows:

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Josh Jordan
Rachel Erickson
Sam Bruce
Tammy Wisley
Mike Lott
Lisa Kimball
Peter Seow
Megan Orrin
Kooijmans, Anoek
Harris, Josiah
Brown, Joshua
Martin, Ethan
de Vries, Aike

Adams, Jordan
Boyd, Aubrey

de Jong, Dirk

Breton, Abigail
Lee, Yohan
Smith, Helen
Sumardana, Nathasya
Holsten, Grace
Elliott, Alina
Boyd, Andrew
Mathews, David
Abbott, Jessie
Choi, Paul
Gordan, Cameron
Jordan, Daniel
Brown, Atalee
Erickson, Emma

Larson, Joshua
Wisley, Ransom
Wilson, Yali
McFarlane, Taylor
Whited, Olivia
Brown, Megan
Harris, Caleb
Lewis, Elisha
Hubert, Daniel
Maris, Yosephine
Kosasih, Kenneth
Lee, Seun
Latumahina, Rebecca
Berg, Jalen

Sitanggang, Ryan
Kim, Haeun

de Jong, Joella
Sardo, Morderex
Tanzil, Keith
Brown, Alyssa
Pikkert, Quinn
Dinkelmann, Daniel
Bakken, Sidney
Ringenberg, C.J.
de Vries, Manin

Kave, Anne
Ahn, Lydia
Wetipo, Josh
Latumahina, Catheen
Seow, Hannah
Martin, Charis
Erickson, Sophie
Uganecz, Tehya
Wilson, Sampari
Kooijmans, Thomas
Osterloo, Izzy
Elliott, Micaiah
Martin, Joel
Kosasih, Kevin
Lewis, Josiah
Darryl Juneau
Schley, Daniel

Bakken, Cassia

Dinkleman, Morgan
Liem, Josea

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Internet is Back

Hello all my beautiful people! It has been quite a long time since I have written. During the year of 2016 we had more "no internet days" than "internet days" and I was so frustrated I just stopped trying to send stuff to you. But, We have good internet right now so here comes a giant update. Hahah. Last year there was a serious accident with one of our dorm kids and we had to medevac her out to Korea. She cut her knee quite badly and it got infected. After multiple surgeries and lots of hospital time and antibiotics she is fully recovered and back with us. Praise the Lord!
We have had such a great time with Wyatt. He has been coaching and teaching and playing lots of soccer, along with helping us out greatly around the house. He feels God leading him to join the Chicago Eagles for the summer to be a part of their ministry to the inner city kids of Chicago and also traveling to Brazil to work with kids there. He needs to raise $4000 to do that. Right now he is doing some fundraisers here and is praying for God to provide the rest of the money. He is not sure of the direction to take after that. He is looking into some colleges. Please continue to pray for clear wisdom. 
A new boy joined the dorm in January. His name is Hajun and he is 13. Pray for him as he is still adjusting. A couple of weeks ago I was bit by a snake while picking up a pile of sticks. God protected me with that and I am completely healed. Cale is home sick from school today with a fever. Other wise we have been quite healthy. YEAH!
On Monday the high school kids and I leave for OE. This year we are going into a village called Ibele. Garth will stay behind with Cale, Wyatt, Sara, and Hajun. The two main guys that are usually in charge of this event are Darren and Paul. Paul is still in Canada waiting for a medical clearance to come back and Darren was suddenly injured and had to fly to Singapore. SO, we could really use your prayers. There is a total of 85 people going - high schoolers, teachers, leaders, nurses etc. The first few days we will set up a dental clinic and a medical clinic. The kids will learn how to pull and treat teeth and how to care for the sick. Then we will split up and hike into small villages to serve there. It is an amazing time and I am thrilled that I get to go again. This will be Sophie's first time and Emma's thrid time! We need lots of prayers though so please think of us from the 6th-17th.
ok. I should go so I can get this sent. You guys are awesome and I appreciate you. Thanks for being a part of our journey!

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Injured Hannah on her way to Singapore.

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Todd and Debbie are in their village of Ibele getting ready to host O.E.