Ahhh, so much has happened. So much I want to tell you. This summer is so packed full of goodness. We were able to celebrate Wyatt as he turned 17! And Sophie as she turned 13! AWESOME! That was fun. This last week, and this week we have been hosting 14 college kids from Toccoa Falls College in Georgia. Some of these kids were in our dorm throughout the years so we are LOVING having them around. They are putting on soccer camps, teaching kids English, talking to the Indonesians about HIV/AIDS, and just being an all around powerful influence in the community. Wyatt has been able to be a part of this and we love the effects of that. On Tuesday they fly to Wamena to serve there. Pray for them. Right now it is Ramamdan here and the banners hanging around say "Fasting forgives sins." That is the belief. So many won't even swallow their own spit. They so strongly believe that they need to do this severe fasting to make penance for their sins. If only they could understand that there is a God who loves them So very much that He died to save them from their sins. What freedom that would be!
Garth and I are away from Sentani right now celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary. Garth surprised me with a trip to Sorong to a place called Raja Ampat (Four Kings). This will be a good place for to rest and recover from my dengue. I am doing so much better, though. Just need to rest.
OK. I just wanted to catch you up.