Some of you who are friends with us on Facebook have seen the horrifying pictures of the fire that took three homes on Friday. The fire started from a faulty generator and quickly consumed three missionary homes. The one family, the Richards, was home and had only minutes to grab things and get out. They lost everything. The other two families are in the States. Many people who came to help were able to pull things out of those homes, but the houses themselves were completely destroyed. The Indonesian fire truck came on the scene but quickly ran out of water. We were able to fill up one of the school water trucks and help out with the fire. The fire trucks here are not full of water. So when there is a fire, they have to fill up and then go. Not very effective. I asked someone about that. "Why can't they just keep the truck full of water so they are always ready?" "Oh, there is a leak in the container and the water leaks out." Haha. Crazy. Anyways, click here to go to the MAF site where you can donate to the Richards family if you so choose.
The community is amazing here and everyone has come alongside this family and their two kids finding them clothes and underwear, cooking them meals etc. But their needs list right now is huge.
Today as you clean your house, or sit at your table or walk out your front door, be thankful. You have a house. What a blessing! We take so much for granted. Look around you and see all that you have and think about what it would be like to lose it all. And as you think about that, pray for these families-The Richards, Maxeys, and Adams. Thanks.
Love you