Finals week....not the favorite week of the school kids. But after they get through this, they have the whole summer to look forward to. This is the last week of school. Graduation is on Thursday. Everyone is getting quite excited for a break. On Saturday we had the 8th Grade Graduation Banquet. I can't believe that Emma will be in high school next year. CRAZY! I will have two high schoolers. Friday night the high schoolers hosted a bonfire and invited the 8th graders to join so that they could all get to know each other. That was a lot of fun.
Tomorrow Cale's class gets to go to a local restaurant to make pizzas, and then they will go to the pool to swim. He is so excited about that. Wednesday all of the middle schoolers (Grades 6-8) will hike to the waterfall, swim, have lunch and then hike back. The mountain right behind the Hostel, Mt. Cyclops, has some beautiful waterfalls. I will be going with them and will take some pictures for you to see.
Right now you can put people here into one of two catergories-those staying and those leaving. Many are going to their home country because they have a child graduating and starting college. Some are going for the the summer but will be back. Some are not coming back. And then there are those of us that are staying here all summer. It is amazing how much things change here during the summer. It gets so quiet. It actually takes us awhile to adjust to it. It is good, we just aren't used to a new sound-- silence. Haha.
Hope you are all well, and enjoying all the green shoots popping up around you. The Earth is coming to life! I love that!
Here are some pictures from Emma's graduation, and a dorm party we had honoring our Graduates. It was a feast-stromboli, veggie salad, fresh fruit salad, real pretzels from Timika, homemade ice cream, with homemade caramel and chocolate sauce. YUM!