Wednesday, April 23, 2014

It's a Happy Easter!

Happy, Happy Easter!!!!!  I love what we are celebrating at Easter time!  I have hope for my future because my Savior LIVES!  Hallelujah!  We had a great weekend. How about you?
The dorm kids all went to see family or their guardians for the Easter break, so we had the dorm all to ourselves.  On Friday there was no school so we drove the hour or so into Jayapura to a mall there that has a movie theater.  Now, this is a big deal here, because it is the only one anywhere.  Guess what?  It just happened to be showing Rio 2 in English in 3D!    If you  knew what a remote area we live in, you would understand my surprise.  That was so much fun!

Saturday was Emma's 14th birthday.  She wanted to celebrate by taking her class to Kali Biru.  Remember that place?  Blue River.  We used to go quite a bit but haven't all been as a whole family since we came back.  It is so pretty.  There is a waterfall, a high log bridge for the kids to jump off of, (lots of things for the kids to jump off of), and it has its own lazy river.  You can walk upstream and the current helps you float down.  You just have to remember to get over to the side BEFORE you go over the waterfall.  Haha.

We had a wonderful time celebrating Emma.  My family sent a package that got here in time (WOW).  Garth and I planned a scavenger hunt for the kids.  Some friends brought us strawberries from their village (One of Emma's favorite treats).  And I made her an angel food cake.  Actually I had to make two because the first one got being eaten by ants while we were at the movie.
Easter Sunday, we got up early and went to the sunrise service.  It was wonderful to celebrate with people from all over the world.  We all love and serve the same Risen King!  Later for lunch we had a houseful.  Anyone that didn't have a place to go was welcome to come here.  It was so much fun.  I love hosting large parties like that. ( Thanks Mom for all you taught me.  I take after you.)
So, I started thinking about the two big events of Easter.  Jesus died.  Jesus rose.  The ideas of something put to death and something brought to life kept rolling around in my head.  During devotion time with the kids I brought this up.  I said think about something in your life that needs to be put to death.  A sin, negative thoughts, a bitter heart, bad habits…etc.  Then think about something that God might want to bring back to life.  Your love for Him, servants' spirit, patience, your generosity… Keep those two things in your prayers the next few days, weeks, months and watch God do an amazing resurrection of His love in your life.
This holiday weekend I hope that you were able to stop and reflect on all that Christ did for us.  Our lives would be RADICALLY different if He was still buried in that tomb.  
"I serve a Living Savior, He's in the world today.
I know that HE is living, whatever men may say.
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer.
And just the time I need Him, He's always near.
He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today.
He walks with me, and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives?
He lives within my heart."
It truly is a Happy Easter!
Love you

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Funeral

There is such sadness in Papua right now.  One of our pilots crashed his airplane on Wednesday morning ending his life and the life of one of the other passengers.His name was Bob and he and his family have been missionaries here for over 20 years.  School was cancelled today and we all had the privilege of celebrating the life he lived at his funeral.  So many lives were touched by Bob's willingness to fly into remote areas to drop off supplies, medicine, food, passengers, or Bibles.  If someone was sick and needed medical attention he would fly them for free.  He had such a giving, servants heart.  His family was able to fly here in time for the funeral.  They came from Thailand, Africa, and the US.  His two sons have followed in their Dad's footsteps and are also serving as pilots.  It was a beautiful time of remembrance.
There is joy in our hearts for the fact that we know 100% that Bob is in Heaven.  He trusted in what Jesus did for him on the cross.  That gives us hope.  We will all see him again in Heaven one day.
Here are some pictures of our day:

This is the end of the airstrip that Bob flew from.  Bob's grandson is in the red shirt walking with some friends.

Panorama of the hangar and airstrip.  The funeral was held here.

We are guessing there were about 1,500 people at the funeral.

Bob was buried between the hangar and his home, the place he loved so much.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Take a look at what we found outside the Hostel today.  God is so very creative!  You should have heard the noise it was making.  Kind of like a cat hissing.  I am not exactly sure what it is called.  Anyone know?

So, on Friday we hosted a Skate Night for the community.  Wyatt's class and I were in charge of making all of the soft pretzels.  We sold 150 and ran out.  We could have easily made another 100 and they would have been sold.  Everyone loved them, and the kids had so much fun skating.

Tomorrow is a holiday here in Indo.  It is Election Day.  The Presidential election is in Oct.  This is for House of Representatives, and Mayor etc.  Shops will be closed, and people off of work.  There have been a lot of demonstrations going on for the different parties.  So far everything has been peaceful.  
We have water again.  Thank you to those of you that prayed.  YEAH!  Life is better with water.  Especially the Living Water.
Garth and I did a skit on that in church on Sunday (John 4).  He was Jesus and I was the woman at the well.  (Glad it wasn't the other way around.  I would not make a very good Jesus. Haha.)  The speaker in Church was talking about how the woman at the well has had five husbands and the one she has now is not her husband.  She is looking for something, but not finding it in men.  She is missing something and looking in the wrong places to find it.  We are the same way.  What is quenching our thirst?  What substitutes are we using to fill that need?  The gift that God can give us will satisfy us completely.  Nothing else will.  We can spend our life trying, or we can run to God.  In God's arms we can find true contentment and joy.  That is the best place to be!
Love you-

Friday, April 4, 2014


We woke up today and found out that we were almost out of water.  Now, today is the day that I play basketball, we wash all our sheets, we have our apartment cleaned and the floors washed, along with three meals for 17, and all the dishes, AND we are hosting a roller skating party after school and Wyatt's class and I are in charge of making all the soft pretzels for that event.  Not a great day to be running out of water.  Do you think anyone would mind if we spit washed all the dishes…haha.  
Many of you heard about the big earthquake in Chile and the possibility of tsunamis in Indo.  Just wanted you to know that all is well here.  No problems.  The Senior class left today to fly to Bali for a week.  They have worked hard at all of their class meals and other events to raise money so they could go.  They have so many fun activities planned like, surfing, and ATV rental, cliff jumping, time on the beach, an elephant safari, white water rafting, botanical gardens, rice terraces, waterpark, dinner out etc.  Doesn't that sound like a great Senior trip?  We as a family LOVE Bali.  We were hoping to go this summer, but I think it will have to be next summer instead.  Pray for safety for the class as they enjoy all these adventures.
Now, on to other things.  I have heard that for many of you warmer weather has arrived.  That is always good news.  A few days back we had a long weekend and decided to enjoy our warm weather by going out to the beach.  This was one of the few times we mushed both Hostels together along with some friends and went on an outing all together.  We found extra people that could help drive us all.  The day was amazing.  We had such a great time of bonding. The boys fashioned spears and went out fishing.  They used nets and even caught a stonefish and a sea cucumber.  I have a picture of the stonefish.  They are very dangerous.  SO super glad no one stepped on it.  Feel the warmth as you look at our pics!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April Fools

Happy April Fools Day!  Hope you had a few good laughs.  We had a blast here at Hostel 2.  It started with the chairs all out of place blocking the girls and boys hall.
For lunch I made meatloaf in muffin pans, piped on the mashed potatoes and sprinkled green onions on top.  They looked like cupcakes.  I also made Indonesian jell-o in glasses with a straw in it so it looked like you could sip it up but you can't.  For dessert I made a cake that looked like a giant baked potato.  It was super yummy.  The kids had fun with all the little tricks we played on them throughout the day.  Haha.  Enjoy your day!

 Check out our pictures: