So, there was a snake in our kitchen sink this morning. Crawled out from the vent hole. I am so glad it was Garth who found him and not me. He smacked it with our dish scrubber and then carried it outside with a towel. Seeing how much I dislike snakes I think this incident should make me exempt from having to do dishes for a year? Or two?
Well, Wyatt and all the high schoolers are back from their two nights at Kali Biru. (Blue River). It sure sounds like they had a fantastic time. They helped build a new bridge, a high platform for jumping off, put up a swing, and did various other improvements along with swimming over the waterfall (glad I wasn't there to see that), clay fights, cooking food over an open fire, sleeping under the stars, lots of good bonding and time in the Word. What a great way to spend a weekend.
Wyatt is over his malaria as is Cale also. I however, got sick with it on Friday and am still recovering. It is quite lousy being sick when there is a Hostel to run.
There is a High school event coming up Feb. 24th-March 7th. The whole high school and teachers, a doctor and some other chaperones will be flying to a village for 2 weeks to help out with building projects, teach AIDS/HIV awareness, run some kids clubs, set up a medical clinic, etc. It is called Outdoor Education and is one of the highlights of the high school year. This will be Wyatt's first opportunity to go. The kids are all quite excited.
They have to pack all that they will need for two weeks and they only have an allotment of 11 kg- that is around 24 pounds. That includes their bedding and mosquito net. They also have to fly in the food they will need for the 2 weeks. It is quite the undertaking. I am including the supply list they need so you can see what I am talking about.
2014 Soba Barang List
Your baggage allowance is 11 kg.
Lunch for Monday
Bedding –It will be cold at night. Bring a sleeping bag or several warm blankets. Do not skimp on this! Ask anyone who has tried to sleep in the cold!
Mosquito net – manditory
Bible / Pens
Journal (to be provided)
Body soap
Toiletries (toothbrush, paste, deodorant, etc.)
2 rolls of toilet paper
Flashlight, extra batteries/bulb
Plate that can double as bowl for cereal or soup
Large water bottle (at least 1.5 liter)
Suntan lotion
Bug repellant
Nokin (net bag) or other small bag or backpack for day trips and carrying gloves, water bottle, etc. to work site.
Laundry soap – a bar works better than powder – and brush and clothespins if you like. You will be doing your own laundry.
Band-Aids and antibiotic cream – we will have a first aid kit, but bring these basics so that you have enough and so that they are with you when you need them.
Regular medicine (if this applies to you) – asthma, cramp medicine, antibiotics, ibuprofin, inhaler, etc. (For antibiotics please have a note with instructions – dosage amounts and times)
Work gloves – We will be digging holes so these are really necessary.
Small gifts to leave with families (suggestions: laundry soap, salt, oil, etc.)
Work shorts and work shirts. During the day the temperatures are in the 80’s. However, make sure your attire is modest. Girls, we cannot emphasize this enough. Sooo – for girls, big baggy shirts, no sleeveless tops, and shorts that go below the knees. You might want to bring clothes that you do not want after OE and plan to give these to the villagers before you leave. We will be doing digging projects, cement projects, and muddy work projects.
Casual clothes that are decent for going to church and doing kids clubs-- long pants for guys, skirts for girls.
Hiking clothes – lightweight long pants can be good protection from scrapes.
Shoes that are good for hiking and working in mud. Please note: shoes are mandatory.
Bathing suits – Girls, we may be bathing in rivers in the small villages. Bathing suits under clothes may work well.
Socks – need for hiking, keeping warm
Poncho or rain coat
OPTIONAL: (but smart)
Small mattress. (Please keep the word small in mind. Sleeping space will be limited to approximately two feet by 6 feet (2’ x 6’). (OK, if you are 6’2” tall, we will give you several extra inches. )
Spending money for local souvenirs, offering, etc.
Hat for sun protection
2 LARGE plastic bags (at least) – one for keeping your bedding dry in transit and one for inside of your backpack, etc. to keep things dry. Extra bags are also nice for storing wet clothing.
1 Zip lock to put silverware, etc. in so it doesn’t get lost, plus extra Zip locks – to keep things dry and clean!!!
Small pillow
Extra toilet paper or tissues if you have a cold
Cell phones
MP3 players
Computers or electronic equipment
Electronics will be confiscated.