Monday, October 28, 2013


Hello.  I wanted to write to you about some cool stuff God is doing here.  We had an incident on Saturday that I wanted to tell you about.  I am not telling you to make you fearful for us, or to make you feel sorry for us, or for attention.  In fact, I was debating even telling you about this, but God really took care of us and that is the part I want you to see.
We took the dorm kids and went to the pool.  It is a local pool, but just for the Westerners.  We have to pay to use it, and there is supposed to be a jaga (guard) there at all times.  On Saturday when we went the jaga wasn't there, only the gardener.  A few minutes after we got there, a drunk guy opened the gate and came in.  He started shouting stuff about how we don't belong there, we are white and not black.  He mentioned that he was going to get some guys and come back and beat us up.  Another drunk guy opened the door of the van and said he would come back with rocks and break the windows.  They left, and we were talking about what to do. I had a strong feeling that we needed to leave.  Some of the kids were crying and were scared.  We piled into the van and began driving home.  In the midst of all of this I forgot that a lady was coming to drop off Sophie for us at the pool.  This lady drove to the pool about ten minutes after we had left and said that she saw a group of guys going toward the pool and one of them was swinging a rifle.  Thankfully she just kept driving and was able to get Sophie safely to us.
Isn't God's timing beautiful?  He prompted us to go and not stick around to see if they would come back.  He kept Garth from going over and punching the guy in the face and possibly causing more trouble, He got us home safe and Sophie home safe.  He cares.  If you ever feel like He doesn't, you are wrong.  He really, truly does care.  Psalm 91:11 says, "For He will command His angels concerning  you to guard you in all your ways."  The jaga wasn't there but God was.
The rest of our weekend was really terrific.  We had some great times of unity with game night, a bonfire and roasting hot dogs, guitar playing and singing around the was such fun!  We took plenty of time to talk about how God protected us and to pray and thank Him for His care.  Many of you were probably praying us at that moment.  Thank you.  Don't stop!  Drinking is becoming more and more of a problem here.  Many are making their own alcohol and it is available for young and old.  There is no law about that.  They need the Lord.  Pray for their salvation.  Our pembantu said the drunks go to church but they don't hear.  Pray for their ears and eyes to be open.  God is good, and He is watching over and protecting us.

Love you

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The Senior class gets back today.  They all flew to the village of Kobakma to work for 4 days.  They had an awesome opportunity to teach the people of the village about the dangers of AIDS,  how it is spread, the importance of remaining faithful to your spouse and the consequences of sleeping around.  There were over 1,000 people at the first meeting.  During the presentation a local hut caught on fire and threatened to disrupt the whole thing.  But they were able to finish.  The second day they went to schools and talked to the kids there.  People here in Papua used to believe that HIV/AIDS was a curse from God.  Now, they are starting to understand the truths behind how it is spread.  In Papua from the year 2009 to 2010 the new cases have more than doubled to 2,499.  The problem needs to be addressed.
The kids also did some preaching and teaching of God's Word.  I love the way God keeps presenting opportunities and the kids are obedient to say "Yes."
Monday there was no school so we took the kids and went to see our friend Adalek.  Remember him?  He is the lame man that sits outside one of the shops we go to.  We like to visit him and bring him food.  He is always happy to see me, but you should have seen him light up when he saw the kids!  What a sweet, sweet moment.

Here are some pictures:

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I wanted to take some time and "introduce" you to our new herd-the group of folks that we are blending into a "family."  We have five boys, two are business kids, and three are missionary kids.  And we have six girls, all missionary kids.  They range in age from 12 to 18, from grades 7 through 12.  Here is a picture of our boys, and one of the girls.
L-R: Cale, Jacob, Arnold, Wyatt, Yohan, Astract, Josiah

Bottom Layer: MJ, Emma, Natasha
Middle: Gloria, Victoria, Sophie, Alina
Top: Seun

We also have four pembantus, Indonesian house helpers:  Ibu Elizabet, Ibu Dina, Ibu Nora, and Ibu Yopita.  The first two help in the kitchen and the second two help with the cleaning and laundry.  They come in everyday from about 8 until 2 or so.

L-R: Ibu Dina, Ibu Elizabet, Ibu Nora, Ibu Yopita.

This is the first time that our kids are living with their peers.  Before when we were here, we had no teenagers of our own. Now we have two.  Wyatt and Emma are living with kids they go to school with.  We have 6 middle schoolers and five high schoolers.  That changes the dynamic.  It seems to be good for study groups and working on projects, and keeping each other accountable on homework.  But we are finding that it sure makes things much more busy.
This morning I was reading in Hebrews the verse in chapter 12 that says "...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles..."  I was talking to the kids about how often the thing that hinders and entangles us is our attitude. Our choice to be grumpy, or full of complaints hinders us from "running the race" as the rest of the verse says.  You can't run if your feet are all tangled up.  God's desires for us to be free of those sins so we can run after Him.  The next verse tells us how we can do that.  "Fix our eyes on Jesus."  Look up.  Look at Him.  Take your eyes off of yourself.  Follow the One who is going before You, watching over you, tenderly loving you, and always available.
Love you
Our new home, Hostel 2

Monday, October 14, 2013


I keep getting reports of the cold weather you have all been having.  Awesome!  We always appreciate this time of year and miss the fall colors.  So enjoy them for us!
Of course it has been quite hot and humid here.  Most days it is already in the 80's by 7:00 a.m..  I feel like the kids and I are adjusted to this heat, but Garth's not.  This morning at the Pasar, he said he had sweat dripping off his fingers.  Ha.  I told him I was barely sweating.  Such fun!
I took some pictures of our trip to the Pasar (market).  It was incredibly busy today as there is a holiday coming up and everyone is stocking up on food.
Starting tomorrow here at the school is the volleyball tournament.  Wyatt is in it and will play everyday Tuesday through Friday.  Last Friday the kids played against the parents (just for fun).  I had a blast watching Wyatt play against Garth.  Boy, Wyatt is doing so well. He had some great spikes and blocks.   I was able to play against Emma's team.  She has learned so much in such a short time and is such a consistent player.
Enjoy the pictures.


The men and the boys A team.

The boys getting ready for one of Darren's jump serves.
One of Wyatt's many successful serves.

A very busy pasar.

Wanna buy a fish?

Anybody need a chicken?

Sunday, October 13, 2013


As I am writing this I noticed that I still have sand in my scalp from the beach today.  (What a problem to have, huh?)  No complaints from me.  The beach is one of my favorite ways to spend a day.  Today was great.  Overcast and not too hot or sunny.  There were fantastic waves so we did a lot of body surfing.  The beach we went to today is one of our favorites: Pantai Amay.  There is the Pacific Ocean and a fresh water river.  It is great fun to be by both.
Right now all of the high schoolers are up in the MPR for a dance party.  The Seniors are hosting it.  They asked an Indonesian DJ from a restaurant here in town to come and do the music. The kids were supposed to dress up crazy.  Sounds like fun!
That gave us some extra time tonight with our middle schoolers.  I pulled out the nail polish and we had a spa for the girls.  The boys were ripsticking and now they are all playing Sardines outside in the dark.
During our Indonesian class today we learned the word for love.  Notice I said word.  They only have one.  One word for love and it is only used towards people.  We asked Pak Yohannis, "Can we use this word to say, 'I love the beach' or 'I love hamburgers?'  And he said, "That is what is wrong with the English language. You have messed up the idea of love.  How can you love a hamburger and love your wife?"  He said that the Indonesians would say "Saya suka hamburgers."  I like hamburgers.  The only time they use the word love, kasih, is when referring to people.  I like that.  It is such a strong word that they can not use it for something as simple as hamburgers.  So when they read that "God so loved the world" they understand it in a different way than we do.
Something to think about.
Love you (I mean it)-


Josiah and Wyatt ready for the Dance Party.

Loaded for the beach!

A glimpse of the ocean as we head to the beach.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


So, the other day I was feeling a little bit down, frustrated actually.  A good chunk of the kids that we are responsible for individually decided to make some very poor choices.  Our day was then spent calling parents, and meeting with teachers, and other people affected by these choices.  I am not exactly sure what caused all these to happen on the same day, but they did.  And I was frustrated.  
When I am frustrated I usually go out for a walk and talk to God about it, and read the Bible.  I am always amazed at the way God chooses to speak to me.  His voice is so clear.  Again He ministered to me and brought me great joy.  The verse I read that day was in Luke 21.  "Be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with...the anxieties of life, and that day will close in on you unexpectedly like a trap."
I definitely was feeling weighed down.  I can't walk very far down the path in front of me if my load is hunching me over.  God's will for my life is not to have me follow Him like that.  Staying like that is a trap.  It prevents me from moving forward.  I need to give those "anxieties of life" to Him.  And then leave them there, and choose joy.
Great verse!  I memorized it and then that day God brought three different people across my path that needed to hear those words.  He is so cool!

Love you