Tuesday, June 18, 2013


What kind of things get you excited?  Like really excited? One definition I found was "The feeling of active joy."  A few Sundays ago, our pastor was talking about how people can tell what gets you excited because it is the things you talk about that make your eyes light up.  What does that for you?  The other day while we were at the park my boys got excited when a yellow Lamborghini and a red Ferrari drove by!  That type of excitement comes and goes. I want more than just something passing.  God has been talking to me lately about being that excited about being obedient to Him.
We naturally get excited about the things we are passionate for.  I like this quote:  When you proceed through life with excitement, your life will attract answers to challenges and difficulties around you. So, what is it we are excited about?  What brings us active joy?
It is easy to be excited when God answers a prayer the way we wanted Him to.  But what about being excited during a trial or struggle that really stretches our faith?  Excitedly looking at those opportunities as a chance for God to blow us away with His love?  That is what I really need to work on as my first reaction.  I want to be excited about the things that really matter.  Mark 12:30 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength."  All, not part.  That is something to be excited about!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

"Trust me"

I have some interesting news for you.  We have been waiting for the results from Garth's liver biopsy.  The results would determine if we would be going to Indo now or if he would need a year of treatment.  The doctor had said that they would call us Monday or Tuesday.  We were home all day Monday jumping at every phone call, however they never called.  Tuesday we were again waiting.  Around 10:00 or so I realized that the phone line was dead.  Of all the days.  The phone company couldn't do anything right away and had no idea why our line wasn't working.
Again it was one of those things that was out of our control.  I heard God whispering to just "Trust me" over and over again.  Finally around 1:30, Garth got through to someone on his cell phone.  Almost immediately, our phone started working again! Coincidence?  No way! The Bible talks about how there is a battle going on between good and evil, that we cannot see.  Angels battling demons.  "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but...against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Galatians 6:12
God is bigger than that stinkin' phone line, and that is why we knew we could trust Him!  The doctor told us that Garth's level is at a 2 and it would be fine for us to go to Indo and he could get treatment when we get back!  So, as of now, we will be here for June and parts of July.  Garth is doing a wedding in Washington, and we have a family reunion in New York and then we will leave the end of July.  Not much time, and lots to do...
Once again I hear God whisper "Trust me!"  and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can.
Keep us in your prayers


We have had so much fun lately with family.  Garth's niece, Rachel, just graduated from UW Madison!!!!  Way to go, Rach!  We are so proud of you!! The family came from New York, and Virginia to stay with us so we could all celebrate together.  It was a blast!

 As far as our venture to Indo goes, let me give you an update.  During our medical checks it came up that Garth's liver enzymes were elevated.  So the doc sent him to a specialist at Lakeland that is sending him to a specialist in Milwaukee.  Some of you know that Garth has Hepatitis C.  We found out he had it in 2002.  He was going in for regular checks but all levels had stayed the same, until now.  So, the plan right now is this:  see the specialist,and schedule a biopsy. The biopsy will tell us what level of fibrosis, scar tissue, is in his liver.  If it is a level 1 or 2 we will be able to go to Indo as planned.  But if it is above 2 we will need to stay and do a year of treatment before we go.
We told God that we would follow in obedience the path that He has before us.  Whether it is to Indo, Wisconsin, or some other crazy place.  If He chooses to close the door on Indo we can trust that there is a reason.  He is in control.  This is such an exciting time for us!  We are in a place where we completely trust God for our future, and wait expectantly to see what He has planned. 
We will keep you posted.  Pray for us as you think of us.
Love you


We have had a blast celebrating Emma!  She has turned 13 and now we officially have two teenagers in the family.  It's is so crazy!  It seems like such a short time ago that she was newly born and Garth brought her up front in church to show her off to all of you!  She has a sweet heart and is a delight to be around. One of her birthday "cakes" this year (by request) had to be a no egg cookie dough masterpiece.  It was great to see her face when she realized I actually made it!  Ha! 
Another point of excitement in the Erickson household is the baby squirrel we have been taking care of.  It fell out of its' nest with no mamma around.  The kids named her Ibsy and she is just about old enough now to be on her own.
Wyatt needed a quick trip to the doctor after an accident in PE at school.  Turns out it is just a sprain of his knee and ankle with some pulled ligaments.  It could have been worse so we are so thankful, and it looks like he should be back in baseball in about a week.
We are still praying about going to Indo.  For now God has us walking down that path, and we will continue to until He turns us a different way.  Nothing has been finalized but we feel strongly that God is asking us to be obedient.  It is exciting but scary.  As a family we have mixed emotions about leaving.  It is no fun to say "Good-Bye", but so  blessed to be where God wants you to be.  Please pray with us about this.
Here are some pictures:

Trust Me

I have some interesting news for you.  We have been waiting for the results from Garth's liver biopsy.  The results would determine if we would be going to Indo now or if he would need a year of treatment.  The doctor had said that they would call us Monday or Tuesday.  We were home all day Monday jumping at every phone call, however they never called.  Tuesday we were again waiting.  Around 10:00 or so I realized that the phone line was dead.  Of all the days.  The phone company couldn't do anything right away and had no idea why our line wasn't working.
Again it was one of those things that was out of our control.  I heard God whispering to just "Trust me" over and over again.  Finally around 1:30, Garth got through to someone on his cell phone.  Almost immediately, our phone started working again! Coincidence?  No way! The Bible talks about how there is a battle going on between good and evil, that we cannot see.  Angels battling demons.  "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but...against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Galatians 6:12
God is bigger than that stinkin' phone line, and that is why we knew we could trust Him!  The doctor told us that Garth's level is at a 2 and it would be fine for us to go to Indo and he could get treatment when we get back!  So, as of now, we will be here for June and parts of July.  Garth is doing a wedding in Washington, and we have a family reunion in New York and then we will leave the end of July.  Not much time, and lots to do...
Once again I hear God whisper "Trust me!"  and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can.
Keep us in your prayers