Sunday, April 14, 2013

Going back?

One of the dorm families in Indo will be leaving in May and won't be coming back.  Please pray with us about whether this is where God would have us go.  We sure miss Indo and would all love to go back, but we know that if it is not God's will, it would not be right.  So pray with us, please.
Here are some of Emma's thoughts on the issue.

Hey, I'm Emma, Rachel's daughter. I bet you've heard a lot about me! He he! Wow, I can't believe that my family and I are praying about going back to Indonesia! Can you believe it? My mom has probably asked for a lot of prayers in her blogs, but we are going to need even MORE prayer! This is huge for me, and the fam! That is a picture of Indo right there! And below you can see all the fun that we had there, especially Cale! We loved all the cute kitties that we had! Ahh, so adorable!    
   I had the best time with all of the dorm kids! They were the best big brothers and sisters ever! Even though some of them were a little weird, and sometimes messed up and silly, they were still the best! They were so encouraging when we needed it! and they're always there for us! When we were at school, we would come home for lunch. I would tell my mom that a kid in my class was being mean to me, and the next thing I knew, one of the boys in the dorm was saying: "Tell me what he looks like, and I'll give him what he deserves. No one messes with my sister!" So like I said, always there! I LOVE Indo, and I would love to go back! Thanks for your prayers!
                    -Emma E.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Break

Over Spring break we took the kids on a road trip and went to North Carolina.  We have a friend and fellow Barnabas missionary there that had offered his property for an MK retreat.  It was a fantastic time of refreshment for us and for the MKs that were there.  Garth and I did the devos together.  We talked about how we come to God: empty or full?  We looked at Psalm 23.  What things in our life pull us out of the green pastures that God has for us?  And we looked at John 15.  How can we as Christians truly "abide in Christ"?  We made so many great memories: hayrides, bonfires, ultimate Frisbee, a jump in their river, flips on the trampoline...
When the retreat was over we drove to northern Virginia and spent some time with Garth's sister and family in their new  house.  We took the kids sightseeing in D.C. and then began the trip home.
We are truly missing those MKs.  It stirs  up something in our souls when we are around them.  What a true blessing and gift to be a part of so many kids lives.
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Saturday, April 6, 2013


Tonight when I was putting Cale to bed he reached out his hand and caught me-"Don't go, Mommy.  Stay here a little longer."  I briefly thought of the laundry piled and the sink of warm water I had just filled for washing dishes...but I knew this moment was special.  So I stayed.  And it was sweet.  His little arm around me pulling me close, soft kisses on my cheek, whispers of "I love you, Mommy"...Priceless.
As a family we have been reading in the Bible about the days before Jesus died, His death and His resurrection.  I am sure that if the disciples fully understood what was coming they would have grabbed on to Him and said "Don't go!  Stay here a little longer."  Good Friday must have been devastating for them, and Saturday absolutely grueling.  Then, comes Sunday JUST BURSTING WITH PROMISE.  An empty tomb that really wasn't empty.  It was full of life, hope, freedom.  Because Christ rose from the grave, I now serve a Savior that is alive and living in me!  The King loves me.  He cares about me.  He was thinking about me when He was hanging on that cross.
Some days I run around busy and don't even think about that.  Some days I forget what He did, and how much He loves me.  I am sure He is reaching out His hand to me saying "Don't go!  Stay with me a little longer."  When I stop, and sit with Him, and take time to be close, it is beautiful, and sweet.  Time spent just with Him, my arms wrapped around His neck, sweet whispers of "I love you."  Those moments with my Jesus are what make my life priceless.
Find some priceless moments with your Jesus today.
Love you


In the book I am reading it was talking about surrogate spirituality.  How often do we rely on what God is teaching others as our main source of what God is teaching us?  Insight from pastors, or friends, or books.   We aren't spending time searching out God's Word ourselves to see what He wants to teach us.  We wouldn't do that with a vacation- send someone on vacation for us so we don't have to pack or travel...we wouldn't do it with food-"I don't feel like chewing.  Will you chew for me?"
Why do we think it would work with our spiritual life?  We have an opportunity to have a personal relationship with our Creator, the One who hung the stars in the skies!   Why would we want to entrust that to someone else?


A recap to what we have been up to: 
We had some meetings here at the house with the other people in Barnabas that are working with MKs like us.  That was a great time to reconnect and talk about our different ministries. One of the ladies stayed with us for a few days during that time.
After that, our family was able to go to Princeton, WI. and stay at a cabin for a few days while the kids had a mid-winter break from school.  That was fun!  No TV, no internet, no phone service...we played games, and took hikes out in the woods, played some snowball baseball, had a snowball fight, and enjoyed each other without a busy schedule to bother us.
Saturday we went to a school in Deerfield to hear Emma perform her solo ensemble and also a performance in Swing choir.  They got the highest marks in both.
Today I hung out with my family and celebrated my upcoming birthday.  Yes, I am getting another year older.  I certainly don't mind the fact that the numbers are going up...that's life.  I am very blessed to have such a great family to care about me.

We are always praying that we will be open to what God might have in store for our family.  Wherever that may be.  God has been so faithful to us in the past and we know that He will continue.
Love you
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Floor It

I was going to write this email about how ironic it was that I hand washed the van (you know, trying to get all the snow slime off of it) and then very soon after that the van got sprayed by a skunk. That is not a pretty smell.
BUT, there are much more important things on my mind.  I want to tell all of you that pray for us daily-THANK YOU!  It just may have saved the lives of Garth, Wyatt, and Emma.  There was a near miss with a car that wasn't paying attention.  Praise the Lord Garth thought to look in his rear view mirror and floored it to get out of the way.  Otherwise, those three would have been rear-ended at a high speed!!  God sent some extra guardian angels our way.  Thank you!  Please keep on praying.  
Speaking of Garth, he and Wyatt are in Minnesota.  Garth was invited to speak at a youth retreat for the weekend.  It is going to be a mix of kids from all different backgrounds so pray for God to move in hearts.
One of the things I have been pondering lately is a quote I read.  It says "If you are irritated by every rub, how will you get polished?"  I think it is human nature to push back against every little or big thing that is irritating or bothering us.  We don't appreciate the pressure-didn't invite the friction.  We want the polished, beautiful look without any of the discomfort involved in the process of getting there.  I am still thinking and working on this.  Just wanted to share it with you.
Love you all-


Love, Love, Love

We had a great Valentine's Day as a family.  After a scavenger hunt game with the kid's Valentines we enjoyed a nice dinner of all things red or shaped like a heart.  Around the table we took time to talk about the things we love the most. One thing that came up twice was how creative God is.  It has been thrilling to travel the world and see His hand everywhere...the banana tree, the mantaray, the Indonesian people, the sand in Bali, the birth of a baby, sirsek, rambutan, jeruk bali, a rhinoceros beetle, the waves that keep coming, a powerful rain storm, the matchless beauty of a mountain waterfall, the silent falling snow...I could go on and on.
It reminds me of a program I saw the other day on the barn swallow.  It was talking about how they migrate southwards to South America, Africa, India, and parts of Asia.  They can fly over 600 miles a day.  Part of this migration is flying over the Sahara Desert, and one of the rivers in the Desert.  They need the water in that river as nourishment so they can make the long voyage.  Problem is that the water is too full of salt and will kill the barn swallow if they try to drink it.  If you look out over the surface of the water it is covered with large flies.  The flies drink the water and their bodies filter out the salt.  God has designed these swallows to instinctively know that they can swoop down, grab a fly, snap him and drink a burst of water-enough water to allow them to continue their journey. 
I get so excited when I learn things like that!  God is so super cool.  The Bible says in Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or stow away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?"
  Well, in case you don't know the answer to that question, I will tell you.  The answer is a resounding YES!  Yes, we are much more valuable to Him thathe birds.  And look how He takes care of them.
Remember this, if God were to make a list of the things He most loves, we would be on the very top of His list!!! You would be on the top of His list.
I hope you feel His love today!

Love ya,

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