Friday, February 8, 2013

Midwest MuFest

Our weekend MK retreat to Camp Forest Springs was an amazing time of connection.  God brought all 35 of us together in such a sweet way.  During one of our worship times we sang Open The Eyes of My Heart.  We were encouraged to sing it in whatever language we knew.  There were at least 31 different languages represented there and it sounded so beautiful!  I can't imagine how it sounded to God's ears!  Garth taught on having a Cross centered life, and not getting sidetracked by legalism or subjectivism.  Those are just fancy ways of saying that we shouldn't let our feelings motivate our beliefs, and that we need to realize that we already have God's complete love-doing good things does not give us a better standing with God.  He already declared us righteous at the moment of salvation.
The weekend was also full of quite hilarious moments of fun.  We played broomball on the ice, went tubing,snowboarding, snow skiing, ice skating,and had a late night snowshoe hike to a bonfire and hot cocoa.  The kids and I came home quite sore and we were all exhausted.  But we were so thankful for the sweet time of fellowship that we had with those wonderful kids.
Here is a funny story for you:  While we were talking to one of the MKs, we found out that he is about to marry a girl that is actually one our relatives!  How crazy if that? Small world.
Thank you to my parents Bible study group who provided boxes and boxes of snacks for the kids.  Amazingly it was all consumed!  (Tubing makes you hungry!)  Thank you also to a wonderful family in the community that provided money for scholarships for the MKs that couldn't afford to pay the whole fee.  And thanks to all of you that prayed for a safe weekend.  There were so many opportunities for injury, but thankfully we had none!
Here are some pictures:

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Inline image 8


Yeah!  We have heat.  And just in time since outside it is quite cold and snowy.  Thank you Lord!  We actually got a full night of sleep without having to check on the fire, and the temperature inside the house, and getting up to cover cold kids with more was such a wonderful blessing.
Funny thing-we woke up today and the garage door wouldn't open. Apparently, one of the gears broke.  But, thanks be to God.  We still had money leftover from the gift given to us for the furnace, and within an hour we had a fixed door!  Part of me was sitting here thinking, "O.k. What's going to break next?"  Yet, I felt God speaking to my heart this morning telling me that if I live in the moment of trepidation over what will happen next then I miss out on the joy of the blessings laying out before me. I can't control what will happen next.  But I can make sure to completely enjoy the day before me.  God is so good whether we have a broken furnace or a fixed furnace.  He is good.  And I am happy tell people that often.

Praise the LORD, for the LORD is good; 
Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely (Psalm 135:3).

“Thou art good and doest good” (Psalm 119:68).