Do you realize that you are never forgotten? Even if you are sitting in a snowbank on a very cold day with a four year old and no cars are not forgotten. I was sweetly reminded of that today.
On my way back from a visit with a dear friend Cale and I slid off the road into a snowbank/ditch. It had been snowing all morning and we were travelling on some unplowed streets out in the middle of acres of farmland. I had my mom's cell phone (YEAH!!!) and I called my sister who called a guy from our church who happened to live right near where I was stuck(YEAH!!). The man and his big strapping son were both home and came to our rescue in minutes with their pick-up truck, shovels and a chain. While they were shoveling me out, another man in a pickup and a snowplow stopped and helped as well. The van was not badly damaged (although my Dad said there is a corn cob wedged way down inside the bottom bumper-how did that get there?) and the brand new license plate that my Dad JUST put on was knocked off and bent completely in half.
It was a wonderful picture of how God cares about all the things that happen to you, the big things (like surgery) and the little things (like sitting in a ditch). The very first thing Cale and I did was to pray for someone to be able to come quickly to help us. And within minutes there was a multitude of strong able-bodied men at the van door. How is that for an answered prayer? Pretty awesome if you ask me!
I don't know what you are going through right now-the big things or the little things, but please remember this: You are not forgotten!
Love you